North Carolina

Well, here's to another Monday. Ive been sick all weekend so didn't get anything done :( I think the whole pregnant thing is setting in and I'm not sure if I can deal with how she's gonna be acting for 6 more months.....blab.......maybe I just need a vacation
Well, here's to another Monday. Ive been sick all weekend so didn't get anything done
I think the whole pregnant thing is setting in and I'm not sure if I can deal with how she's gonna be acting for 6 more months.....blab.......maybe I just need a vacation
Broodiness does have it's affect on everyone.
The deed is done. We have no chickens.

We bought this place in 2003. The people who sold it to us left behind one single chicken. We called her Nellie. It was shortly after we got here that we got chickens of our own, so this is the first time since at least July 2003 that there have been no chickens on this little farm. It's depressing.

Depending on test results, and if they decide to test a third time, we will be able to restock either the first of November or the first of December. Getting chicks at that time of year may not be possible, so we may still be looking at spring. Maybe six months of no chickens. It's like a horror movie that only certain people can understand.

So tragically sad! I was so hoping for better news for you.
Yes! I feel sorry for my dear sweet hubby. There were moments that.... well let us just say I was not so nice during pregnancy, particularly when I was hungry at the hospital and they would not let me eat. Pre-mature back labor, and hungry is not a good combo!
When the nurses came in to do blood work at an ungodly time of morning, I said some really ugly words along with turn out the @%#& lights!
I had a migraine; what can I say? I had to stay there for a week, and still delivered early (@ 7 months), and could only eat what they gave me because my sugar was up. A diabetic diet does not account for being up all night because of the giggling nurse station and Mag-sulfate-drip (cause of migraine).

Hopefully she will have a better time with it, Luke. To be sure she is stressed too.... not all bodies return to original state
and that is very stressful. Try on a backpack loaded with 30 extra pounds on your front, and imagine going to pee every few minutes because the baby is playing hockey on your bladder,and don't forget the swollen feet, that also change with... and feet size after birth are changed. I have lots of pretty shoes and clothes after each child that I cannot wear.

She may have a great experience, but be a bit concerned with the changes and a little neurotic with worry about the changes even if she is happy with this, just like you. Remind her not just that you are happy to be a daddy, but that you love her too, because everything is about to become about the baby real soon, and the two of you will need to remember why you are with each other to handle life's little changes.
A foot rub or some pampering time periodically will go a long way.

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Yes! I feel sorry for my dear sweet hubby. There were moments that.... well let us just say I was not so nice during pregnancy, particularly when I was hungry at the hospital and they would not let me eat. Pre-mature back labor, and hungry is not a good combo!
When the nurses came in to do blood work at an ungodly time of morning, I said some really ugly words along with turn out the @%#& lights!
I had a migraine; what can I say? I had to stay there for a week, and still delivered early (@ 7 months), and could only eat what they gave me because my sugar was up. A diabetic diet does not account for being up all night because of the giggling nurse station and Mag-sulfate-drip (cause of migraine).

Hopefully she will have a better time with it, Luke. To be sure she is stressed too.... not all bodies return to original state
and that is very stressful. Try on a backpack loaded with 30 extra pounds on your front, and imagine going to pee every few minutes because the baby is playing hockey on your bladder,and don't forget the swollen feet, that also change with... and feet size after birth are changed. I have lots of pretty shoes and clothes after each child that I cannot wear.

She may have a great experience, but be a bit concerned with the changes and a little neurotic with worry about the changes even if she is happy with this, just like you. Remind her not just that you are happy to be a daddy, but that you love her too, because everything is about to become about the baby real soon, and the two of you will need to remember why you are with each other to handle life's little changes.
A foot rub or some pampering time periodically will go a long way.

HAHAHA...I don't think my bladder has EVER recovered from baby #2 so I hate to think of what it will be like after baby #6!! By then...I think I'll be the one wearing diapers!!

Speaking of emotions... I just realized that baby #2 is already 5 months old!! WHERE did the time go??
This thought completely ruined my day!! At least for those of you wanting to get things done outside, it worked in your favor as I didn't get to doing laundry today and thus managed to keep the storm clouds away for everyone!!
HAHAHA...I don't think my bladder has EVER recovered from baby #2 so I hate to think of what it will be like after baby #6!! By then...I think I'll be the one wearing diapers!!

Speaking of emotions... I just realized that baby #2 is already 5 months old!! WHERE did the time go??
This thought completely ruined my day!! At least for those of you wanting to get things done outside, it worked in your favor as I didn't get to doing laundry today and thus managed to keep the storm clouds away for everyone!!
Thanks NH......
I appreciate that

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