North Dakota

Hmmm. Good to know. Last year I had a dog that would bring eggs home she would steal from the fields. I never would have thought to call and see if there was a permit needed for keeping/hatching them. She broke most of them and ate them of course. I figure it was her form of revenge for locking her out of my chicken house. ;)
Maverick, I have a friend who has turkeys setting now. She doesn't want any more birds, so she Will be selling poults once they hatch. I can keep you updated. She is between Minot and Bismarck. I believe they are just mixed breeds, but if you are just going to eat them they would probably be perfect.
If I can time it right and get out that way about when they hatch, I'd be interested. I will keep in touch.
LeviS thanks for the information I to love brahma's I have the light large fowl variety. Can't figure out what their problem is at the moment have about 60 birds hatched Sept 2012 and getting 12 to 18 eggs a day. NOT impressed nothing has changed in their food , water, environment , no bugs.mites. lice that I can see or find. And to top it off now that I would like a couple broodies no one is interested. A few were broody in Jan. Maybe it is just the weather??? Would love to see a couple pics of your lavender brahma's . Would you be interested in maybe selling a few ??
It doesn't look good with my current batch of the lavenders (this is my first with them), I have 6 in my incubator and 6 under a broody dark brahma. I think that I only have one developing and I THINK she has three. Going to make the official call on that tonight. Not what I was hoping for, but that's shipped eggs for you I guess lol.

I will definitely be breeding them as soon as they get out of the pullet egg stage. I'm planning on doing the same thing with my buff laced and gold laced brahmas I just hatched this weekend.

You said you had a broody hen in January.....the one I have on eggs now has been broody since November
. She just wouldn't give it up no matter how hard I tried to get her to stop, every trick in the book. And with our arctic temperatures there was no way that I was going to give her her own eggs. (didn't really have a place to keep her at the time).

Right now I just have the two buff brahmas that are laying, the other is broody and everyone is still a chick. I would say I get 3-4 a week from them.
Good luck on the eggs. Have you had any problem with the chickens eating the paint off your buildings??? My coop is wrapped in house wrap at the moment planning on recycling the steel siding off the house I am redoing. They h ave shredded different parts of the house wrap.
They do with the old paint, the stuff that I just repainted last summer they leave alone. On one end of my hen house, I wasn't able to finish painted. There they will sometimes pick at the old curly paint (its an old shed I moved up to my place, paint is probably 30 years old). One of my many projects for when the weather finally behaves itself.

So you have more than 60 chickens huh? Wow! I only have my 14 hens from last year and about 20 chicks (so far), I think I will have to set my personal limit to 50...for this year
When you get those brahmas breeding, I would likely be interested as well.

I am pretty excited. My hubs went south to buy a car and I convinced him to pick up a load of guinea eggs, and a few chicken eggs as well. ;).

The kids were outside over the weekend and we found 3 ticks, so I decided I am not going to fight them anymore. I am declaring war on ticks with a guinea army. :lol:
Great! I sure hope I can get a flock started, I love the lavender color and I love brahmas!

I was thinking about getting guineas but decided to hold back this year. Just don't have enough coop space yet. I would rather hatch them too vs getting them from runnings. This hatching business is too addicting. :p
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Hatching is positively addicting. For sure! I only began hatching to help ensure the flock stays healthy and I won't have to take the chance bringing in any diseases. Now 2 days ago a few hens and a rooster started breathing strange. I separated and started treating, but with all them running together I expect they all have been exposed. :barnie. A few of the fellas at TSC told me that it's likely not serious and just a result of the weather not warming up, but something in my gut is telling me it that's not it. I am housing my birds in an old coop that was here when we bought the property. I cleaned it out well when we decided to move birds in, but I wonder if I stirred something up while I when I started cleaning out the litter a couple weeks ago. I am pretty upset with myself.

Taking the day off today to go out and set up a couple of new outdoor pens because the sick birds can't get outside where I have them now, and I would like them to be able too. Sometimes it never ends.
Hatching is positively addicting. For sure! I only began hatching to help ensure the flock stays healthy and I won't have to take the chance bringing in any diseases. Now 2 days ago a few hens and a rooster started breathing strange. I separated and started treating, but with all them running together I expect they all have been exposed.
. A few of the fellas at TSC told me that it's likely not serious and just a result of the weather not warming up, but something in my gut is telling me it that's not it. I am housing my birds in an old coop that was here when we bought the property. I cleaned it out well when we decided to move birds in, but I wonder if I stirred something up while I when I started cleaning out the litter a couple weeks ago. I am pretty upset with myself.

Taking the day off today to go out and set up a couple of new outdoor pens because the sick birds can't get outside where I have them now, and I would like them to be able too. Sometimes it never ends.
Best of luck with them! Hopefully it was just a fluke thing.

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