Norwegian Jaerhon

Lol... Ha yeah I've seen a hen do that, maybe the old MaranS rooster I used to have(R.I.P.) that attacked my son one time thought he was competition.

So this Saturday I'm turning the light on them in their coop area, I know they should be plenty mature enough to start laying we'll see if this works
I've been pampering them with the occasional vitamin water and purina layer plus flax... Ha I've given them a lil activia yogurt too. I may give a little bit of oyster shell early next week.
Woohoo! So the spring hatching season starts
next thing you know the chicks will be all over.

It's very possible. I think people are starting to hear about this breed. The hatcheries ran out of stock quick last spring!
HUGE upright single comb (why a big comb on a northern climate landrace?) Beautiful barred red hackles.

It seems MANY of the northern landraces have big single combs. I can't figure it out, either. I am seriously attracted to the Jaerhons and planning to have some hens for laying...but I don't want to mess with a big single comb on a rooster. Especially after our weeks of below zero weather we've had here this winter. I just can't even imagine.

We have a couple Jaer pullets that we got last sping from Ideal. They are laying very well now. They are such a friendly breed and lay so well we want to get more. We like to ones we got from Ideal but wondering if we should try Sand Hill this time, or somewhere else. Do any of you have an opinion on where the best stock can be found?

By the way, we have two brown leghorns as well. They are a bigger chicken and lay bigger eggs than our Jaerhons. But our Jaerhons are nicer, friendlier, and are laying a lot more eggs than the brown Leghorns. We did have more Jaerhons, but unfortunatley lost some to predators.

Anyway, your opinion on the best source would be much appreciated.

Fyi, we're in Weaverville NC, just a stone's throw from aurissavannahs.


nestled sweetly between the newly awesome marshall (seriously, have you been there lately? boy how they're changing that little town) and asheville (one of the most delicious places ever). oh how i love wnc. i was just there for new years. awesome!


We have a couple Jaer pullets that we got last sping from Ideal. They are laying very well now. They are such a friendly breed and lay so well we want to get more. We like to ones we got from Ideal but wondering if we should try Sand Hill this time, or somewhere else. Do any of you have an opinion on where the best stock can be found?

By the way, we have two brown leghorns as well. They are a bigger chicken and lay bigger eggs than our Jaerhons. But our Jaerhons are nicer, friendlier, and are laying a lot more eggs than the brown Leghorns. We did have more Jaerhons, but unfortunatley lost some to predators.

Anyway, your opinion on the best source would be much appreciated.

Fyi, we're in Weaverville NC, just a stone's throw from aurissavannahs.

Welcome JerryR.
I am close to you. I am 2 1/2 hours south of Asheville. It is nice to have chicken neighbors. This is a friendly forum and has a lot of information about NJs. I hope more people learn how great these little chickens are. The eggs I am getting form my Jaers are larger than the eggs I get from my California Whites, EEs and OE, but smaller than my black stars. Of course the Jaers are smaller than all my other LF so they have a great feed to egg ratio. Combine the egg size and feed/egg ratio with their friendly nature and it is a winning package. I also think they are pretty and I love a pretty chicken.
I woke up to two Norwegian Eggs this morning
They have been free ranging during the day, and with all the snow we've had in the last couple of days, I had a feeling they may be hidden in the snow. This morning I woke up to two medium white eggs in their coop. What a nice suprise

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