Norwegian Jaerhon

Well I got my Sandhill order of chicks in, a very pretty group. I will take some pics to post, maybe you all can help make sure I sexed them correctly. There were 19 dark Jaers, and they shipped some other mystery chicks - possibly a light pullet chick? Probably not but would love you all's opinion.
Pics, sooner rather than later!! Puh-lease!
OK, looking at these pictures I may have mixed the boys/girls up a little

Sorry - hit the wrong button, lets try again

And then there are these unidentified chicks in the batch too, any guesses? These reddish yellow ones are in with yellow Delaware chicks - RIR's?

Here is a closer shot

And then there are these two smudgy chipmunks, they are smallish but do not seem to be Bantams. Will try to load this picture later, as the browser suddenly will not upload any more :he
Mutts, it looks like you have one girl in the second pic, dark chick on the far right (middle). They are so very cute!
These are from Sandhill? Didn't they send you a list of what other breeds they sent? They did for me, even for packing peanuts.

Anyway, congrats on the new babies!!
Posting this pic for Roosterfry, he's not able to post through his mobile device. Love his birds :)

"This is Chip...He's now in with the other two roosters apparently 3 is a better number than two, I have them with 9 jaer hens"

Next up is a basket full of Norwegian Jaerhon eggs....
Pullet, side view -

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