Norwegian Jaerhon

No kidding. Maybe I'll order some just to put the mystery to rest.
Just want to say that my 4 young Jaers are flooding me with little pullet eggs - they are laying machines now that they have got started! I would not call the eggs tinted though, more like cream colored.
That is great that your NJ pullets are laying. :)

I had two pullets start laying this spring that started laying Cream Colored egg (they are NOT Jaerhons). Their eggs are now easy to mistake for the White Leghorn eggs which are chalk white. I think that you may find your NJ eggs to lighten up later on too. All the brown egg color are the darkest at the beginning of a laying cycle then fade.
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So it looks like Jaers have great homing instincts. I needed to reduce my flock before winter, so my neighbor took 7 pullets (including one young jaer) and year old hens. The next afternoon out at the chicken coop I found a jaer pacing around the outside of the run. since my birds occasionally scoot out through the open door I didn't I think too much about it, but later on went back out to count and found 1 extra Jaer. She had flown over a 6 foot fence, made her way through a stretch of forest (avoiding the Fox that has been hanging out there) just to get home. I replaced her with a young EE, she deserves to stay home after all that.
So it looks like Jaers have great homing instincts. I needed to reduce my flock before winter, so my neighbor took 7 pullets (including one young jaer) and year old hens. The next afternoon out at the chicken coop I found a jaer pacing around the outside of the run. since my birds occasionally scoot out through the open door I didn't I think too much about it, but later on went back out to count and found 1 extra Jaer. She had flown over a 6 foot fence, made her way through a stretch of forest (avoiding the Fox that has been hanging out there) just to get home. I replaced her with a young EE, she deserves to stay home after all that.
That is what we call a Jaerhorn homing Chicken
Many thanks go to amyable, who went to great lengths this fall to ship this beautiful Jaerhon rooster to me! Amy has lovely, healthy stock and I am so pleased to have Omro in my flock.

This photo is of him with 2 of his Jaerhon hens. The top one is typically-colored, the other is white and grey only, no tan. Has anyone else had "white" girls occur in their breeding stock? I've had 2 "pop up" over the past few years and I do love the look!

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