not all birds are created equal

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BTW as I typed this I discovered my 4 dogs are culling all of my daughter's stuffed animals. I now have a blind bear and a three legged - one earred moose.
Uh oh - someone's not going to be happy!

I am just curious if finding the standard is possible without actually purchasing the book from the APA? They are not available at my local library but i haven't looked into the state library yet.

Have you checked on Amazon or another online book retailer?

Holderread's has a breed pamphlet on Cayugas. You might want to check that out. If I remember right, they are only a couple bucks each.
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Uh oh - someone's not going to be happy!

Have you checked on Amazon or another online book retailer?

Holderread's has a breed pamphlet on Cayugas. You might want to check that out. If I remember right, they are only a couple bucks each.
Nah she is 18 and in college. We are switching out rooms and made her old room our computer room and they found the stash of animals. There is only a couple she really cares about. I retrieved those before they damaged them...
ah ok, that is better at least lol. Now as for taking over her room that might be a different story. We threaten it here all the time as a joke
She is fine with that also - she is getting her old room back that she had before the two oldest moved out. But in all reality she is never ever home so she is helping me make it into more of a guest room. Not sure why I'm still a pbjmaker...
She is fine with that also - she is getting her old room back that she had before the two oldest moved out. But in all reality she is never ever home so she is helping me make it into more of a guest room. Not sure why I'm still a pbjmaker...
What's with the sig line of 23/30 chickens allowed?
I have culled many chicks for having deformities, but I have friends who do take care of those deformed birds and they are well loved and well cared for. They also don't ever breed from them. There are many things to be learned from an animal that has a strong will to live. These are compassionate people. Please don't hate them for having a passion for all life. It is not for me most of the time but it is for some a fulfilling way of living.I would rather have someone who feels that all lives are worth saving on my side than one who cares for no life but their own.

BTW as I typed this I discovered my 4 dogs are culling all of my daughter's stuffed animals. I now have a blind bear and a three legged - one earred moose.
I couldn't have put it better. :)
This little girl right here? Love her to the moon and back
. Her beak may be crossed, her skull may be deformed, but I have learned more about chickens and what a strong will to live can do for a chicken (or any living being for that matter) from her than I could learn in a thousand chicken books or from a hundred "experts". And to think, it's been what, at least a year and a half since I was strongly urged to cull her for being what some would call deformed?
Oh and no worries about me ever breeding Dragon since she doesn't lay eggs. She does however love chicks and will steal them to raise every chance she gets. She's an excellent foster mother too.
I couldn't have put it better. :)
This little girl right here? Love her to the moon and back
. Her beak may be crossed, her skull may be deformed, but I have learned more about chickens and what a strong will to live can do for a chicken (or any living being for that matter) from her than I could learn in a thousand chicken books or from a hundred "experts". And to think, it's been what, at least a year and a half since I was strongly urged to cull her for being what some would call deformed?
Oh and no worries about me ever breeding Dragon since she doesn't lay eggs. She does however love chicks and will steal them to raise every chance she gets. She's an excellent foster mother too.
It's cuz shes got skillz. And so do you =) Dragon is awesome but then so is her mama Jett. I didn't know she wasn't laying eggs though.
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