Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

it's never just another chicken. That's why I like it here, people understand. My husband knows I love my chickens but he doesn't really get it probably.

Seminole, it sucks to hear this. I am so very sorry. I just had another lost to Marek's as well and not quite sure why. Seabright roo, one of the 'mystery' chicks sent out from McMurray. Vaccinated with all 3 types and was doing fantastic. Had to move the new birds into my main chicken house for the Winter and the Silkies and Sea Jay, the Seabright, were put into a pen with my Showgirls. A few weeks later Sea Jay is down and 2 days later gone. He wasn't picked on and was quite happy in the new digs. No idea why as the Silkies are doing fine, non symptomatic and thriving. I would say the strain or strains still here sometimes just can't be stopped in some birds no matter what vaccines are used.

I have found that my Silkies seem to be much more resistant to Marek's than other breeds. Anyone else notice this??
Well a purchased silkie pullet was put in with my silkies and one got classic Marek's 2 months later. I had 4, 2 roos, 2 hens, not including her. One roo got classic Marek's a few months later. So that's 3. I hatched 2 more. That's 5. I hatched 4 more. That's 9 not included the pullet that brought the Marek's. Everyone was fine. 3 years ago, one got Marek's when I had 10 Polish chicks in with them. That's 8. That was it for a few years. Then my first hen was 5 when she had symptoms. She held on for a long time. Then one of her daughters went catatonic a day later. That's 6. 4-I gave away, they were 2 years old. So now I have my original roo who is 6 now, and a daughter, who is 4. That's 2. I know I've lost some, but my older ones were real champs and still are. My Struedel is 6 years old. I'm looking to see if he's doing the deed, I think not, but if he is, I will incubate since they have always hatched all girls, not one roo.

Now, These 2 silkies have been thru hatchings fine and the silkie chicks lived. But , the silkies hatched Polish for me and they died at 8 months. I wonder why
ES - everything I've read says just the opposite! I lost one silkie.

I guess I would have to say my Polish are poor resistors since I just lost 4. But I think my biggest loss was from any bird who lived in my big shed at one time or another. 8. I have 3 birds left in there that I have to move out then only geese in there. That shed must be evil, for chickens, LOL.
So, I finally called the lab, and they are sending five swabs for the swab test, and that's it! they are actually doing the tests for free, since it's under diagnostics =) hopefully after Christmas, I can try to get a test done for mareks. He said that theirs a good chance that it MG, and that culling might be the best option.... Hopefully it's not!
S&P - I hope not! I don't think I could do that.

I know I could, though I think I would cry for the next week. I'm really only attached to one, but I also think about how I have $200 worth of birds in my backyard. And for all of that to go down the drain! And then I would have to wait how many months before I got new birds, and to wait another 6 months to get eggs.... Sooo much work! There's also the problem that my neighbor's birds have it, so the new chickens could get it really easily. If I move it would be worth it, but otherwise? no
Hello. I've posted about my sick chicken in a few other threads but no one has replied. I brought one of my 12 week old frizzle silkies up to sick bay because she had a nasty open wound, I washed it out and started giving antibiotics. That was Tuesday. Yesterday ( Friday ) she stated limping and is not putting any weight on her left leg, her toes are curled sometimes. She doesn't seem to have and strength in her left leg at all. Poo is normal and she is still eating and drinking. Possible Mareks? I really hope not!


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