Not egg bound, it's EYP

Thank you, I will go get some Tums today. We do have an avian vet here. We will see how she does, and if she worsens we will take her to it.
I'm so sorry about your loss
Do you know what would would cause EYP? Her abdomen is enlarged like a balloon and is hard. She does have a little bit of labored breathing too
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There are a number of posts on here about EYP and potential causes. If you can't feel an egg bound up in her then I would be leaning toward EYP. BUT I am not a professional.

Does her abdomen or under her wings feel hot like it's infected? My hen was warm but not hot so I was surprised at what I found postmortem.
Do you have a syringe to see if you can draw off any fluid? A fair word of warning they do not like getting poked but if you can draw off fluid then she may have a chance otherwise pressure will keep building and breathing will become very difficult and eventually she will suffocate. Some on here have been able to draw out liquid and their hens are fine in a matter of minutes. Each case varies.

The calcium suggestion is a good one as well as getting them in a dark area with only about 4 hours of light a day. That helps shut down egg production.

Pour over the advice on here and other forums and try to narrow it down as best as possible. I've been there and done that and hope that you can get her turned around.
Her abdomen and the area around her vent is hot and still swollen up like a balloon. Im planning to call the vet tomorrow and see if they can do a surgery or something. For now I am keeping her in a crate with food, water and shaving. I hope she does ok
Hopefully she can be seen right away when you call - the situation is very urgent.
Hoping your feather-girl will get better...

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Update- She has yellowish stuff in her poop. Also She is breathing more heavily now. She is still able to walk, eat and drink. I am calling up the vet right now. Hopefully they can see her today
Please pray that my baby girl makes it!!! I am almost certain it is EYP
We decided that before we were going to take her to the vet, we were going to try antibiotics in her water. Yesterday afternoon we put it in her water. Today the swelling on her abdomen has gone down quite a bit and she doesn't have as labored breathing. I guess we caught early before infection started. Do you think the egg stuff is being absorbed naturally?

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