Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Me and my mom are new to raising chickens, we've got 8 chicks which are about 4-5 weeks old. We are hoping for all hens but will be ok with one rooster! Here are our first three, thanks in advance for any help!

- Black Australorp- hoping she is a hen because she is so friendly and curious, we adore her!



- Barred rock chick #1 - from what I've read based on darker color I think both are females?


- Barred rock chick #2

Cockerel for sure, let's see... Hmm... No feathers on the legs and the comb is ... Hmm.. Looks blue to me. Maybe a blue standard old English bantam but I'm not sure on the slate legs... Maybe check on that?
Ok thank you for the reply I'll check and see
Me and my mom are new to raising chickens, we've got 8 chicks which are about 4-5 weeks old. We are hoping for all hens but will be ok with one rooster! Here are our first three, thanks in advance for any help!

- Black Australorp- hoping she is a hen because she is so friendly and curious, we adore her!



- Barred rock chick #1 - from what I've read based on darker color I think both are females?


- Barred rock chick #2


The Black Australorp is definitely a rooster, so sorry!:( the 2nd one looks like a pullet and the last looks like a roo.

Hopefully this works some reason im having issues posting pics.
Hopefully these are better pictures, the black and white one has these metallic green colors coming in that you can't see in the picture. I don't know if that makes a difference or not. 8 or so weeks Easter Eggers.

I give up, lol im just not having any luck posting pics
#1 is looking like a cockerel
#2 is a definite cockerel
Me and my mom are new to raising chickens, we've got 8 chicks which are about 4-5 weeks old. We are hoping for all hens but will be ok with one rooster! Here are our first three, thanks in advance for any help!

- Black Australorp- hoping she is a hen because she is so friendly and curious, we adore her!

- Barred rock chick #1 - from what I've read based on darker color I think both are females?

- Barred rock chick #2


Black Australorp and BR #2 look like possible cockerels.
Thoughts on gender for this one. This chicken is picking on one of my sweetest chickens in particular and seems to want to be the top chicken in the pecking order. It can be fiesty. I separated it for about a week but once I put it back with the others the picking started right back up and the other chicken gets its back feathers pulled out. It also doesn't like to be held. I am thinking my supposed to be a pullet is a cockerel but I have no idea. The chicken is about 9 weeks old.

Thoughts on gender for this one. This chicken is picking on one of my sweetest chickens in particular and seems to want to be the top chicken in the pecking order. It can be fiesty. I separated it for about a week but once I put it back with the others the picking started right back up and the other chicken gets its back feathers pulled out. It also doesn't like to be held. I am thinking my supposed to be a pullet is a cockerel but I have no idea. The chicken is about 9 weeks old.

For 9 weeks old I'd have to go with roo.. A late bloomer.
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