Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2


5 week old polish bantam. Pullet or cockerel?
Six week old chicken unsure male or female but leaning towards male, the breed was only marked as black on the box they shipped out so I can't fully say breed cause it's unknown. It is one of five and it has a bigger comb then the two that I think are females but I'm new to this, can you please help? I can get any photos needed



Black austrolorp pullet, I believe

2 mo. old Buff O. Best picture I could get at the time. Pullet or cockerel?
looks like a Cockerel
Six week old chicken unsure male or female but leaning towards male, the breed was only marked as black on the box they shipped out so I can't fully say breed cause it's unknown. It is one of five and it has a bigger comb then the two that I think are females but I'm new to this, can you please help? I can get any photos needed

Looks like a Black Australorp, thinking cockerel but will need a better picture of the tail.
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Well, we are now six or seven weeks old, so I'm reposting.

These are the three I'm questioning still.

Meet "Grace" ...I hope.

Blue Jay ...I think

And who knows who. I'm thinking cockerel, but this one's comb points down whereas the other two wyandottes point up at the tip (stinkin roosters), so I'm not sure


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