Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Nobody has names yet, cuz I want to know if they're boys/girls before I settle on their names. Just a few I've been wondering about. I'm not sure how old everyone is.

Plymouth Rock. I've gone back and fourth on if it's a boy/girl. The comb is more pronounced than my other plymouth rock.

Easter Egger. Who I really want to be a girl.

Jersey Giant 1

Jersey Giant 2

Jersey Giant 3

All 3 of the JGs resemble each other so much I'm thinking they're all 3 gonna be the same.
No obvious cockerels yet.
That's good was really wondering about the plymouth rock mostly because my other one's comb is much smaller and she's more obviously female. (the other plymouth rock for reference below)

My 3 week old "supposedly" sexed ISA brown pullet.
Cockeral ??

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