Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

So this little doll is 7 weeks old, a dark brahma. I was sure it was a pullet based on coloring but he/she has the brightest comb in my coop other than my very obvious EE roo. I'm also curious about the neck feathering? Thanks a bunch!

OK, I am no TSC fan but that's just not true. They do order straight run sexlinks and the females sell first to those who know. But I have never seen them mis-labeled as pullets. Instead, it will say, "Breed Special, ISA Brown" and then something about being straight run below that. The people who know that's a brand name gold sexlink buy the females and they're left with all males. The people who don't know look at a bin of leftover male chicks that all look alike and expect they're roughly half & half. So, they might take home six cockerels.

They do also combine bins and that's where the bulk of the problems arise because the signage doesn't necessarily get transferred with them. So, straight run black sexlink leftover males look like barred rock females and they're in a mixed chick bin so people guess that's ​what they are.

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