Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Hello my chicks are now 7-8 weeks old and I was hoping to find out their gender and breed. I appreciate your help




Hello my chicks are now 7-8 weeks old and I was hoping to find out their gender and breed. I appreciate your help


Summer looks like a White Chantecler, probably a cockerel. The other two are pullets. Also, get them outside. They don't need a brooder anymore, now that they are feathered in.
I'd suspect the first 2 to be cockerels from the pink comb - but then again, that may be something with the specific breed. The black chicken looks like a pullet.
Well, as requested I'm back with updated photos at week 6 of the chicks age (as far as we know).

Here is the flock above en masse. One Barred Rock, One Buff, One Welsummer, 2 Red Sex links (that ironically have the largest pinkest combs) and 2 Easter Eggers. The Welsummer we are 90% sure is a pullet due to her coloring as a chick and her comb remains smallish and yellow as well as behavior seems hennish. We aren't sure on the BO or the BR but neither seems to rival either the size or color of combs and wattles showing on same age/breed of other sexing threads and both tend to sit low to the ground unless I have the camera out. Barred Rock continues to feather in more black than white and dark wash on legs has only intensified since her chick days so we lean toward pullet? ideas?
BO we're a little more unsure of. But low posture 80% of the time and again, no wattles in sight and comb seems pretty small and not very pink compared to the buff orpington sexing threads around here. Heres a full body view:

By behavior and pea comb alone we are pretty sure the easter egger in the corner (Picasso) is a roo. He is always on lookout, has massive green legs, and while he's not particularly friendly, he's not mean either. Just doesnt want to be messed with and gets upset when we pick up his ladies and anytime any of the flock is out of his sight. Are we correct to assume roo? See close up of comb below:

Our other EE is a mystery although compared to Picasso he/she has a nonexistent single comb, is MUCH smaller, and coloring seems way more even throughout the back. Here's the closest I could get with the camera...

Heres a closeup shot of one of the pinkest largest combs in the flock to give comparison...which ironically belongs to one of the red sex links which we know are pullets :)

Any help greatly appreciated :) Crazy how fast they grow and change! Thanks for your input!
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Summer looks like a White Chantecler, probably a cockerel. The other two are pullets. Also, get them outside. They don't need a brooder anymore, now that they are feathered in.

OK thank you for your advice! I'm only keeping them inside still because we are going on vacation for a week and I was worried about predators. I guess I'm being over protective. I just figured it would be easier for our friend to check on them inside the house while we're gone.
Well, as requested I'm back with updated photos at week 6 of the chicks age (as far as we know).

Here is the flock above en masse. One Barred Rock, One Buff, One Welsummer, 2 Red Sex links (that ironically have the largest pinkest combs) and 2 Easter Eggers. The Welsummer we are 90% sure is a pullet due to her coloring as a chick and her comb remains smallish and yellow as well as behavior seems hennish. We aren't sure on the BO or the BR but neither seems to rival either the size or color of combs and wattles showing on same age/breed of other sexing threads and both tend to sit low to the ground unless I have the camera out. Barred Rock continues to feather in more black than white and dark wash on legs has only intensified since her chick days so we lean toward pullet? ideas?
BO we're a little more unsure of. But low posture 80% of the time and again, no wattles in sight and comb seems pretty small and not very pink compared to the buff orpington sexing threads around here. Heres a full body view:

By behavior and pea comb alone we are pretty sure the easter egger in the corner (Picasso) is a roo. He is always on lookout, has massive green legs, and while he's not particularly friendly, he's not mean either. Just doesnt want to be messed with and gets upset when we pick up his ladies and anytime any of the flock is out of his sight. Are we correct to assume roo? See close up of comb below:

Our other EE is a mystery although compared to Picasso he/she has a nonexistent single comb, is MUCH smaller, and coloring seems way more even throughout the back. Here's the closest I could get with the camera...

Heres a closeup shot of one of the pinkest largest combs in the flock to give comparison...which ironically belongs to one of the red sex links which we know are pullets :)

Any help greatly appreciated :) Crazy how fast they grow and change! Thanks for your input!
You have Production Reds, not red sexlinks. Everyone looks female so far.
What is the difference and how can i tell? (i.e. what am I looking for?) Are production reds also sex linked? or chance they could be cockerels?
Production Reds are solid red. Red sexlinks, especially if hatchery sourced, are red with white. No, Production Reds are not sexable by coloring. Yours do not look like cockerels at this point.
Production Reds are solid red. Red sexlinks, especially if hatchery sourced, are red with white. No, Production Reds are not sexable by coloring. Yours do not look like cockerels at this point.

Well, that would explain why I kept waiting for the white to come in and it never showed :) It is odd though as I specifically ordered red sex links from the hatchery. Does that happen often?
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