Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

my Dixie rainbow. About 3.5 weeks old. Also what kind of Dixie rainbows are there? I have 4 and they all look different.

Dixie rainbows are hybrid dual purpose without standardized plumage. So, they'll look like a barnyard mix.
Can anyone help sex my Maran & Cochin? They are just over 4 weeks old but both are much slower to develop in the comb & wattle department than the other breeds I got (I'm now seeing obvious differences between the sexes with the other chicks).
Here's the Blue Copper Maran:

Here's the Cochin:

Thanks for your help! The Maran has been strutting around like a cockerel since a few days old so no surprises there - I just started to think possibly pullet as my other, ahem "hens" suddenly overtook him with comb and wattle development.
Any ideas about the Cochin?

Pretty splash cochin looks female to me. Mine have much redder combs/wattles by 4 weeks. Even if they aren't red, they usually pop up above the head feathers more quickly



This is my 4.5 week BCM. Pretty sure cockerel, but the only real copper breakthrough is on back of neck so far. It's huge compared to the other chicks and has been doing a lot of chest bumping
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