Not sure what breed these 2 are .... Help pls =]

the beard is almost non existent. none of my clean faced chickens have those longish feathers in between the wattles like this one does, those feathers on her here are almost as long as her wattles are and a bit more fluffy around the sides of the face were a good beard would be than on a clean chickens face....again going by my birds and my parents stock as well
the beard is almost non existent. none of my clean faced chickens have those longish feathers in between the wattles like this one does, those feathers on her here are almost as long as her wattles are and a bit more fluffy around the sides of the face were a good beard would be than on a clean chickens face....again going by my birds and my parents stock as well
Oh I definitely have some that have a few feathers in between the wattles without being cross-bred. Example.. My old Delaware hen has some scragglies in between her wattles that remind me of the OPs bird.
Here is a good one. :p My old Delaware hen. But now that I am looking back to the OP's images, the beard looks like it's on a double chin that goes way down to the bottom of her neck. Reminds me of my turkeys but with feathers and not a dewlap :lol:
I bought all them out of the same little bin atTSC and they said they were production reds....found the but they all look a bit different...I am not sure.

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