November Hatch-A-Long (2014)

Last check I had 5 chicks and one pipping, will check back later to see if I can get a pic without disturbing Mumma Hen too much.

Hubby was just asking how long from when chicks hatch does a broody hen start laying again and also how long do they need their mother for?
Loving the chick pics! Good incubating, keep 'me coming!

Sorry for the losses others have posted about.

I'm on day 10. Wicks the waxed egg didn't make it. Definite blood ring on that and one more Maran. So, I'm down to 8 currently live embryos. I'm leaving the 3 green Rhodebars eggs and the other Maran in until day 14 or so, unless the need arises to remove them, just in case I'm not reading them right. I think they're clears.
5 of my 7 shipped eggs hatched. I had one early quitter and I am waiting another day of the last, but I don't think it is viable. I candled it and the air cell looks huge. Here are some pics of my ridiculously adorable babies!

Gold laced orpington

Gold laced orpington

jubilee orpington

golden cuckoo marans

lemon cuckoo orpington
They are all sooo cute!!!

So crazy cute!!! 5/7 is pretty great for shipped eggs. Congrats!!
X2 that is very good!!
Hubby was just asking how long from when chicks hatch does a broody hen start laying again and also how long do they need their mother for?
The chicks need their mom until they are old enough/big enough to survive the temps without her. It all depends on the season and your weather. We had one broody that left her chicks at 5 weeks (it was in summer). She laid an egg the very next day. Our other broody hen stayed with her chicks for 10 weeks although they didn't need her anymore. She went back and forth a few times before leaving them for good. It took a little while longer for her to start laying because she was also molting. I'd say from the time she went broody until she started to lay again was about 3 1/2 months. She is broody again going into the dead of winter. She was such a good mom I'm tempted to give her some eggs again.
I've been watching my ducks all day... I have two out and a few working on it. I had 4 wrong end pippers!!!.... but everyone looks good. From what I can see all the Anconas are black and white, not what I was hoping for but for $8 a dozen, who can complain?!

I am excited to see how they are in the morning. I have to get up early and load up my peafowl, my neighbor is taking them to their new home. I'll miss them but I'm happy they are heading South and will be in a warmer climate... wish I was!
All pips are hatched! One olive egger left to pip...

Otherwise all eggs that made it to lockdown hatched. I did have one casualty though. Last night, I had a Splash Isbar hatch right. Last checked on everybody around midnight. Was weak but ok. This am I found it dead in the incubator. Heartbreaking. The other Isbar (blue) just hatched this am... Along with the other Serama. Overall I think this has been a good hatch. Pictures coming this afternoon.
My dear first time broodies eggs are starting to pip!!!!

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