Now my Father in Law is in the ICU last week my Dad was

feather and mountain man

Corn fed Indiana farmgirl
10 Years
Jan 17, 2010
My FIL has lived with us for a couple years now and he had gotten a cold when my Dad was in the hospital last week and I was away.

So it kept getting worse and yesterday I pleaded with him to call the doctor and he said no it was just a cold I took his temp and he had a fever and I pleaded again. He is stuborn to say the least.

This morning when Mountain Man got home he wen to check on him and he was in bad shape. So we call the ambulance and took him to the ER. They stablelized him and admitted him to ICU. He has pnemonia. Bob is my best friend. I can talk to him about anything and he is always the first one to notice when I am bumbed out. I am so worried about him. We stayed with him all day until my SIL got there to stay the night with him to give us a rest and we will head back tomorrow.

Prayers needed he 80yrs old and in poor health anyway. He signed a do not recesitate order today and it greived me so much but I understand how hard it is to live in pain everyday.

God Bless You Bob
I am so sorry. That is too much at once to deal with. Pneumonia hits hard and fast, even in young people. My husband and I were really close to be hospitalized with it last summer, so I can understand how crummy it feels. I'll pray for him.
I am so sorry.

I'm sure it is hard for you.Will pray too.
He will be in my thoughts and prayers. My father was just last weekend diagnosed with congestive heart failure. It is a shock to the whole family. Your family will be in my thoughts.

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