Now that the H1N1 Vaccine has been approved...thoughts?

I will not be getting it. I work in a hospital and I dont get the flu shot either.It makes me sicker.
also the pharmacy comps are not held responsible for any adverse effect from vaccines created for emergency aid.
this one was only tested on 2-3 hundred people then released. its not even long enough to track the effects.

check out this site for more info:
You know it wasn't too long ago and they were 'touting' the bird flu as the next pandemic. To my knowledge I haven't heard anything new mentioned about that. I remember seeing people in China and surrounding areas walking around the streets with masks over their nose and mouth. The gov't and healthcare system put the fear into everyone and even talked about developing a vaccine for that which never came to fruition. Well it seems that this is being handled the same way only they do have a vaccine now. I know at some point there might be a pandemic but until there are true and clear signs that we have one then I don't think it's right for the gov't and medical industry to scare everyone into getting a vaccine that certainly hasn't been tested nearly long enough. As said previously I don't myself or my family to be their guinea pig.
Well, if it wasn't for western medicine, I would surely be dead right now. I am very distrusting of pharmaceutical companies (and health insurance companies too), but medical professionals in general I think sometimes get a bad rap.

My husband is going into medicine and several of my friends and family are in the field as well. The majority of people in medicine, whether they work with patients or are in research, I think are kind, compassionate people that are in the field because they love medicine and helping people. I don't think there is any conspiracy against the American public. I think this vaccine was genuinely created to help people.

As far as the 2-3 people that have said you work in health care, what positions are you in and what are your credentials? If you are trained in health care and there is some legitimate and scientific reason for people to be afraid of this vaccination, what is it? I would really seriously like to know (I'm not being argumentative).

If people can really get sick or sicker by taking the flu shot, what is the reason? Everything I have read and heard has said that is impossible. If you get sick from it, it *supposedly* is from a reaction to one of the ingredients, not from getting the illness the vaccine is for. (It's funny- maybe some of you remember, I posted a couple months ago about getting really sick from a tetanus shot, so I *know* it is possible to at least have a reaction to it).

Anyway, as I was just typing this, my husband called and I just asked him...his response, It is "virtually impossible" to get the flu from the flu shot.
Aint gettin it. Had plenty of time to think about it and sorry, I just don't trust the government!

Does anyone know why they incubate the flu shot in eggs? I forget the reason.
I'm an RN, I actually will be working for Mollen Immunization clinics starting in Oct giving flu shots.

you can get the flu from a vaccination that was created using live virus.. this usually isnt done anymore. The typical flu shot contains and "inactivated" virus or one that has been killed so you do not get the flu from the shot. You can have fever chills and other flu like symptoms though as a reaction to your body building antibodies.

Here is the Center for Disease control's information page on flu vaccine

I think the biggest problem with the flu shot is the vaccine is developed based on what scientist think will be the flu for the year based on the previous year. getting the shot does not protect you from all flu, just the ones the vaccine was created for.

If i were were at risk for illness (older, younger or sickly) I would get the flu shot.

I personally have never gotten a flu shot and have been lucky enough to have not gotten the flu in the past. I'm sure at some point I will get "the flu" but as long as I'm in reasonably good health to begin with it should not be a life threatening illness, I'll just feel like crap for awhile.

I feel that each individual needs to way the risk rewards themselves and make their own decision.
I have been getting the flu shot for just those reasons, because I have had a major illness and been hospitalized several times. If that were not the case, I might not get it either.

Are live viruses ever used at all in flu vaccines anymore in the US? I thought they weren't, but I am sure you would know much better being an RN.
Again; 32 million people die worldwide from just flu alone. Vaccines are just what big pharma wants for everyone, because it generates huge contracts for them through the government to make them. Most are full of poisons that you would never allow in your system anyway. There is solid evidence on vaccines causing brain damage, autism, death, and a multitude of other problems after "taking the shot" I,,,,,and my wife both have not, and will not be taking any shots. We take a multi vitamin every day, try to eat right and are fairly active. It's been literally 10 years since I had even a serious cold. Same for her. It's up to the individual, but my feeling is before you put your childs arm and lives at risk, do some research. Stop taking it for granted that "they know what's good for us" Follow the money, and you'll see why there's a shot for every ailment known to man. Big pharma spends billions on lobbying,,,,,,,,,,for a reason.
you all should google 1976 Swine Flu. Read up on it. I will not be geting it. I dont have any of my shots. Nether does my fam and we are all healthy. We are just going to trust God with this. i hope all of us dont get it!

Chicken Girl
The southern hemisphere is just getting over their "flu season." The country of Brazil is now the official leader of the world for officially declared deaths from H1N1. That number? 899. Thats right, eight hundred and ninety-nine deaths

Accoring to the CIA World Book, the estimated 2009 population of Brazil just shy of 200 million people. That means just 0.0004% of the population died from H1N1.

Since the population of the USA is about 300 million, the same death rate applied here means there will be approximately 1,200 deaths.

For this we are:

-- declaring civil emergencies and passing laws for instituting martial law for the pandemic (Massachusetts),

-- mandating all health care workers get the shots or lose their jobs (New York), and

-- spending $2 billion for 195 million doses of a vaccine that may not even work.

The southern hemisphere is just getting over their "flu season." The country of Brazil is now the official leader of the world for officially declared deaths from H1N1. That number? 899. Thats right, eight hundred and ninety-nine deaths

Accoring to the CIA World Book, the estimated 2009 population of Brazil just shy of 200 million people. That means just 0.0004% of the population died from H1N1.

Since the population of the USA is about 300 million, the same death rate applied here means there will be approximately 1,200 deaths.

For this we are:

-- declaring civil emergencies and passing laws for instituting martial law for the pandemic (Massachusetts),

-- mandating all health care workers get the shots or lose their jobs (New York), and

-- spending $2 billion for 195 million doses of a vaccine that may not even work.


Wow, this is super-informative...thanks

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