NWJax Chickens-Introduction

NWJax chickens

In the Brooder
May 20, 2020
Hello from Jacksonville, Florida! My wife and I are raising 5 chickens, 3 Barred Rock, 2 Lavender Orpingtons. The BR chicks are coming along great, doubled in size in week and half. One LO chick is doing well but we are concerned about the other as it is still small and constantly chirps. She is eating and drinking but doesn’t act like the other chicks. I’m looking for advice to be sure she (Nellie) survives.
I’m so impressed with the quick replies! Thank you all! So far we regularly check for pasty butt and have given Nellie homemade electrolytes mixture (1 cup warm water, 2 tsp molasses, 1/8 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp baking soda). Her behavior is not like the other 4, will stand alone with head down chirping lowly. Her sister, Pearl, is growing but Nellie isn’t growing as fast, seems punny. Hoping to get her a couple weeks along and maybe she’ll get over it.

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