NY chicken lover!!!!

Hey guys, sorry to WAY off-topic here, but is anyone remotely around glens falls? I have a broody silkie hen on infertile eggs and it's about the time to give her chicks to raise - and suddenly no one has chicks! Does anyone around here have any they're selling?
Really sorry this is soooo off topic, but it's so odd - two weeks ago people were selling chicks around here left and right and now that I want some, nothing!

HI! I am very close to you. I may need chicks also LOL, as I have broodies sitting on questionable eggs and i want them off! :) . HOWEVER, I may have tons of chicks around the weekend if these eggs hatch so if you don't get any let me know - if I have extras you are welcome to them.

(If you find someone near us with babies hatching soon let me know too just in case :)).

I do have two week olds in the barn, but I think they'll be too old for ya.

I know this might be a long shot, but does anyone have any chicks they are wanting to rehome, or know of somewhere I can possibly find others? I have RIR and Leghorns, (6 total) but looking for more! Not picky about the breed!

I have some Golden Cuckoo Maran chicks hatching the end of next week that I got from a swap and now I really do not have room for another breed
- FYI.
We have to come down again at some point to pick up our pork from Trav's parents. I don't know anything about Iowa blue, google it?

It surely is the not showing up....
I am going to hatch some Iowa Blues also..seem like a nice breed..
What are you looking for?

I can't find the listing on CL anymore, so guessing the Iowa Blues are gone. I did read they were good foragers (which I want), so maybe I can pick up a pair Cydney? I do have another lead on some EE and GLW in Morrisville. I believe Sarah Nourse is her name. She has 4 EE (4 week old) that go together as a package and 3 GLW (6 week old). My brother has class on Wednesday in Morrisville and he agreed to chick transport, so hoping can pull this one off!

Tab, let me know what you have available when coming down and I might grab some. Hubby wants to fill the coop (still awaiting remodel) "we got the space, might as well fill it" - he's got chicken math!
I have some Golden Cuckoo Maran chicks hatching the end of next week that I got from a swap and now I really do not have room for another breed
- FYI.

I wish I was closer :( I am way up in Carthage, but I would take some off of your hands!! Is there a way to maybe send them this way? I've never done anything like that before.
I have some Golden Cuckoo Maran chicks hatching the end of next week that I got from a swap and now I really do not have room for another breed
- FYI.
I'm still interested! I'm just waiting to see if my broodies hatch out anything. I have the feeling the eggs they are sitting on may not hatch - tried to candle em but was too difficult at the time so just waiting. They are due on Sunday.
featherz, if the eggs don't hatch out let me know! and I will try to give you more eggs!
but I don't know when that will be as most of my hens have stopped laying!
I wish to make good on the roos you gave me, it just may take some time!

No worries!! =) I don't need a pile of chicks anyways, just need a few to make the broodies happy (and to get them out of the prime nestboxes =)). I know the ones that were accidentally cracked by my big butt orange chicken were not developing, but who knows about the rest? =) We shall see.
Morning all and welcome to the newbies! The rain has made my lawn grow so I guess I will have to mow it when it stops raining. The tiny tots managed to spill their waterer in their box last night so I have turned it so the heat lamp can dry it out. I think they are learning bad things from the terrorists in the next box. They are starting to eat me out of house and home now. I will have to start giving them some veges to supplement their feed. The boys combs are really starting to show so I can pretty much tell who they are. Still waiting for personalities to fully develop. Most will go to freezer camp.

A friend of mine called to ask about caring for a baby duck. Apparently her son found one all alone the other night on the road during the rain storm. He looked around for anyone or its momma but it was in the middle of nowhere. The duckling ran up to him quacking so he brought it home. Its yellow with a brown stripe down its back. What does she feed this thing? She says its little so I told her to put it under a heat lamp and give it water. All she had was some dry cat food so I said to try making a warm mash by soaking some in hot water. It seems to be doing fine. Do they need other ducks to thrive? I am not real familiar with ducks. I told her it might be better to find someone who had ducklings and would take it so it has friends.

Seems roosters are also on the move down here. Two people I work with have had roosters show up at their house from nowhere. They tell me they are good boys, gentle and like being around people. One looks like a bo mix. He is a big boy and beautiful. They are keeping them. Not sure how well thats gonna work out but it was just interesting that both happened in the same week. Oh--they dont have any chickens either. However, I am working on that.

I am glad we missed the snow. My dd comes home from college (in ga) on saturday and was concerned we might have some. Its not going to be warm though so I told her to bring warm clothes. It will be nice to have her back, even if its only for 2 months.
Just stopped in to mention that I've posted my SFH's on CL. I was advised to post it here too. There are two rooster and two hens. One rooster is crested. They must all go together as these are all that I have. I don't want to keep the breed in light of room and time to care for another breed. They were gotten in Jan so the hens should lay in about a month if not sooner.

The marans I got at the same time this past Jan are already laying. Or at least two of the hens are. That's at about 14 wks. I never knew that could happen. I've have them on Dumor grower 20%.

I have read that heritage breeds need a higher protein feed than hybrids, so you might want to keep that in mind if you have heritage breeds.

anyhow you can pm me for information. I have no pics at this time.

Enjoy you day,

Morning all and welcome to the newbies! The rain has made my lawn grow so I guess I will have to mow it when it stops raining. The tiny tots managed to spill their waterer in their box last night so I have turned it so the heat lamp can dry it out. I think they are learning bad things from the terrorists in the next box. They are starting to eat me out of house and home now. I will have to start giving them some veges to supplement their feed. The boys combs are really starting to show so I can pretty much tell who they are. Still waiting for personalities to fully develop. Most will go to freezer camp.

A friend of mine called to ask about caring for a baby duck. Apparently her son found one all alone the other night on the road during the rain storm. He looked around for anyone or its momma but it was in the middle of nowhere. The duckling ran up to him quacking so he brought it home. Its yellow with a brown stripe down its back. What does she feed this thing? She says its little so I told her to put it under a heat lamp and give it water. All she had was some dry cat food so I said to try making a warm mash by soaking some in hot water. It seems to be doing fine. Do they need other ducks to thrive? I am not real familiar with ducks. I told her it might be better to find someone who had ducklings and would take it so it has friends.

She could call a wildlife rehaber in her area (Animal Control should have a list of numbers) since its possible its a wild breed of duck, I seem to recall they need special care? Or at least post a pic on the duck section to see if anyone can identify what kind it is? (Its NYS you know, some things need a permit, lol) It probably would do better with a friend, ducks are pretty social.

I'd keep it under the heat lamp with water, get it some chick starter, Game bird feed is better for ducks if she can find that?

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