NY chicken lover!!!!

My brother called me at lunch - my new chickies are home! He was my chick transport, since they were only 5 minutes away from campus in Morrisville where he takes a class twice a week. I left out the guinea pig cage for him to put them in with water, rather than leave them in a cardboard box till I got home. But said they are huge and would be cramped, so was going to toss the bigger ones out in the Eglu with the Orp/Aussie group and put just the smaller ones in the cage. The 3 GLW are one week older than the Orps. And I got 4 EE and 2 NH (1 older, 1 younger). Not bad for $2 each, $2.50 each for the EE. These next couple hours better fly, I want to go see my new chicks!!!
Is it ok for a chickens feet/legs to be walking around on wiring rather than solid ground? It looks like I'm going to have to get some sort of bigger housing for these chicks for the next 2-3 weeks because I don't see it warming up anytime in the near future. Tractor Supply has the rabbit cages I used to use when I was younger had all sorts of rabbits. It's a 24x24 and 16in high cage with a wire mesh bottom and pull out tray underneath. Here is the link


I was just curious if they'd be ok in it for the next 2-3 weeks or so. It's definitely bigger than what they are in now. I would also probably throw some hay in there so they're feet weren't on the wiring the whole. But I like this set up not only for future use if I get more chicks in the winter months and need something bigger when they around 4+ weeks old. But I also like the idea that it would be easy to put 1 or 2 perches in there for them to sit up on.
Is it ok for a chickens feet/legs to be walking around on wiring rather than solid ground? It looks like I'm going to have to get some sort of bigger housing for these chicks for the next 2-3 weeks because I don't see it warming up anytime in the near future. Tractor Supply has the rabbit cages I used to use when I was younger had all sorts of rabbits. It's a 24x24 and 16in high cage with a wire mesh bottom and pull out tray underneath. Here is the link


I was just curious if they'd be ok in it for the next 2-3 weeks or so. It's definitely bigger than what they are in now. I would also probably throw some hay in there so they're feet weren't on the wiring the whole. But I like this set up not only for future use if I get more chicks in the winter months and need something bigger when they around 4+ weeks old. But I also like the idea that it would be easy to put 1 or 2 perches in there for them to sit up on.

I use pegboard for quick and easy brooders. Its cheap..only 15 bucks or so at Home Depot and they will even cut it for you! I do a 2x6 brooder 2 foot high and use a tarp for the floor..use zip ties to hold the corners together, dump shavings in and voila! instant brooder in no time, when you're done with it, cut the ties and stores in the flat! Best part is, you can hold like 20-25 chicks in there til 6 weeks old and you have plenty of room! Just a suggestion, hope you find something that works for you!
Do you keep a top on it? My silkies don't fly much but my BO mix will fly out of the brooder if the lid is completely off. She's a curious little one. Especially is someone comes walking by with treats and she wants a better look at what they've got. LOL
Lynzi--great pic of your daughter holding the silkie! They are two peas in a pod!

Trilyn--great idea. I will have to go check out home depot and lowes to see how much pegboard costs. Might work for a broody coop as well. I will have to ponder on this. It would definately be advantageous to have something that stores flat.

Babies are more subdued tonight. Must be the drop in temp and the cooler temp downstairs. They are all laying together and being mellow, some under the lamp and others roosting on the branches in the box. Or they partied like wild animals while I was at work. My nose tells me its time to clean out their box again.

Freeze warning for tonight. Good thing I dont have a garden!
When they get old enough to start flying out I do. I used to just put bird netting over the top of the pen, but then I went a step further..I bought 2 pieces of half inch pvc pipe and put one on each end, zip tied to the corners .basically hoops and stretched/zip tied the netting out over that..it makes it easier to access their feed and water, plus by that point I've put a roost on top the pen and they can use it without getting tangled up in anything and they can't fly around my garage pooping all over every danged thing! LOL

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