NY chicken lover!!!!

quiet tonight ...Got more leaves bagged for bedding around 10 bags ..got more to bag tomorrow 5- 10 if the weather holds .
I dont like leaves as much.... I love the smell of grass in the coop in the middle of winter ...
Hre is Marker he is 1/2 Aussie ..He is getting a beautiful feather pattern on his back ...
single Black Feathers
I love the little bugger ..I hope he is a she ...but I dont think so ..
huh i thought how is that bird staying up like that ..then i relised the picture was turned ..sorry it early here and i havent had caffien yet ..lol
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quiet tonight ...Got more leaves bagged for bedding around 10 bags ..got more to bag tomorrow 5- 10 if the weather holds .
I dont like leaves as much.... I love the smell of grass in the coop in the middle of winter ...
Hre is Marker he is 1/2 Aussie ..He is getting a beautiful feather pattern on his back ...
single Black Feathers
I love the little bugger ..I hope he is a she ...but I dont think so ..

How do you gather and bag your leaves? I've seen machines like reverse blowers to do it? I usually just mow everything into a bagger and dump them in the compost pile.

Looks like it's mouse season here. I've been catching them left and right. Once even got two in one trap. I've been seeing them in the chicken run and setting traps there too.

There's a space between the chicken run and the chain link that gets piled with shavings. I just figured out how to avoid that but it means taking the chicken run apart.
quiet tonight ...Got more leaves bagged for bedding around 10 bags ..got more to bag tomorrow 5- 10 if the weather holds .
I dont like leaves as much.... I love the smell of grass in the coop in the middle of winter ...
Hre is Marker he is 1/2 Aussie ..He is getting a beautiful feather pattern on his back ...
single Black Feathers
I love the little bugger ..I hope he is a she ...but I dont think so ..

Gramma - how did you get him to hold onto the wall like that??
A lawn sweeper ...I then take them out & bag them

Does this actually pick up the leaves?

My poor neighbor across the street...I don't exactly what it is he was trying to do, I'm assuming he was trying to "clean up the leaves" in his yard but his little push mower didn't even have a bag. So he didn't get much accomplished and still has leaves and pine needles all over his yard. I felt like going over there and saying "Hey if you fill my mower with gas I'll gladly pick up all those leaves and needles for ya!" LOL
Had a good time today over at Metella's house. We sat outside in the chicken run and chatted while work was done on her new coop. Let me tell you though, eating a sub in the chicken run while sitting on cinderblocks is not the best of ideas - the highlight was when one of the hens jumped right up on my lap and stole a bite!
ha ha That was Momma Chickie and she is so great !

Yeah, they certainly zeroed in that you had food FAST ! The run was even open and they came in from free ranging to beg a bite.

Def a nice relaxing afternoon - which I needed as my truck is down with no Tranny fluid and I am crossing fingers it is just a busted line .... if not - I'll have to pay payments and keep it parked until spring as I can't afford that big of a repair. Blah

but the chickies are all doing great and that always is soothing ... especially how nice my lav orp roo was to Pyxis ... he is a spring roo ..... anyone interested before I put him up on clist ? I am not doing orps - got 2 eggs as a bonus with other hatching eggs .... I can take pics later today. If you are super into lav orps I can part with the matching hen - they are both great - but I usually keep all my hens ..... you know how that goes !

Door on new coop is a repurposed regular door - we are putting it in upside down so the chickies can look out the glass in the morning before I let them out into the run .... Hope they like that ! I figure only a bear can bust through the thick glass ... what is your input NY peeps ??? I could get hardward cloth stapled over it ... but I want to look in on them too !

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