NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi all...

I'm so sad right now and feel like I've been sucker punched. I went out to the coop to check on why the girls were making a ruckus to find our favorite hen, "Chumley" dead on the coop floor. I am stunned and even though I knew this came with the turf, I'm still in disbelief. She seemed OK this morning. She was simply "the best." I'm dreading telling my younger son today; we were very attached to her and she was more like a pet than the others. I feel so bad thinking I missed something.... She will be sorely missed.


I'm sorry you and your wife are having some tough times. I'll keep saying prayers on behalf of the family and especially that your wife is feeling stronger soon.

Hi all...

I'm so sad right now and feel like I've been sucker punched. I went out to the coop to check on why the girls were making a ruckus to find our favorite hen, "Chumley" dead on the coop floor. I am stunned and even though I knew this came with the turf, I'm still in disbelief. She seemed OK this morning. She was simply "the best." I'm dreading telling my younger son today; we were very attached to her and she was more like a pet than the others. I feel so bad thinking I missed something.... She will be sorely missed.


I'm sorry you and your wife are having some tough times. I'll keep saying prayers on behalf of the family and especially that your wife is feeling stronger soon.


Thanks for that. We sure can use them. I'm sorry about Chumley. No matter how much we gear ourselves up for such things it doesn't get easy.

Saw it and couldn't resist!
very funny. I like it.
I have a rodent question, I went into my coop that I have been working so hard on and found I had missed a spot with my wire mesh. I have debris from a mouse nest and poopoos on my nice floor. So, do I need to make the coop super mouse proof? I read something about chickens, especially the Buckeye breed, taking care of that on their own. I wouldn't mind as the cats seem to think the mice are no longer pests, but play toys. At least indoors, my great white hunter (Hardtack) has been killing mice the size of guinea pigs outside and gifting them all over the patio. I am very excited about finishing up the coop and getting it ready for habitation... I looked at Meyer the other day, but the one bird that I wanted just for pretty was $30 for a chick... and they didn't have any anyway.
Don't count of the chickens hunting for you - even in the breeds that have the rep - it is all up to the individual hen and more than not (like as high at 95%) will NOT hunt ... I see mine ignoring chipmunks and mice that run right in front of them ...

and mice and such can RUIN a coop in days .... seriously that fast if there are a lot .... they are the one thing I do put poison out for as they multiply so fast .... :(

Rancher - chill - I put it in only mouse accessible areas and only when the chicks are going to be in the run for days - so eating the fresh dead bodies.
I have a rodent question, I went into my coop that I have been working so hard on and found I had missed a spot with my wire mesh. I have debris from a mouse nest and poopoos on my nice floor. So, do I need to make the coop super mouse proof? I read something about chickens, especially the Buckeye breed, taking care of that on their own. I wouldn't mind as the cats seem to think the mice are no longer pests, but play toys. At least indoors, my great white hunter (Hardtack) has been killing mice the size of guinea pigs outside and gifting them all over the patio. I am very excited about finishing up the coop and getting it ready for habitation... I looked at Meyer the other day, but the one bird that I wanted just for pretty was $30 for a chick... and they didn't have any anyway.

Use 1/4" hardware cloth, but pics would help us advise you.

I set mouse traps in the chicken run at night. I like these work best. I bait with peanut butter. The "yellow pad" type aren't safe to set and the black plastic ones are expensive and bread easily. The single catch ones are also expensive.

As for the Pretty chicks, try to find a local breeder. I personally find hatchery chicks of poor quality. Besides prices will come down, be patient.
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Don't count of the chickens hunting for you - even in the breeds that have the rep - it is all up to the individual hen and more than not (like as high at 95%) will NOT hunt ... I see mine ignoring chipmunks and mice that run right in front of them ...

and mice and such can RUIN a coop in days .... seriously that fast if there are a lot .... they are the one thing I do put poison out for as they multiply so fast .... :(

Rancher - chill - I put it in only mouse accessible areas and only when the chicks are going to be in the run for days - so eating the fresh dead bodies.
Well that wasn't very nice. You do whatever you want.
I have a rodent question, I went into my coop that I have been working so hard on and found I had missed a spot with my wire mesh. I have debris from a mouse nest and poopoos on my nice floor. So, do I need to make the coop super mouse proof? I read something about chickens, especially the Buckeye breed, taking care of that on their own. I wouldn't mind as the cats seem to think the mice are no longer pests, but play toys. At least indoors, my great white hunter (Hardtack) has been killing mice the size of guinea pigs outside and gifting them all over the patio. I am very excited about finishing up the coop and getting it ready for habitation... I looked at Meyer the other day, but the one bird that I wanted just for pretty was $30 for a chick... and they didn't have any anyway.
huh my girls are afraid of frogs ..i cant imagin them go after a mouse ..infact my production birds would stop laying if there was more then one mouse in the coop ..i had 7 traps and all seven were catching mice for a good week or 2 before i got them under control..get on them now before the winter or you'll be hunting them down all winter ..

i was always afraid to use poison . i figured if they did eat a mouse that just ate the poison then they mite get sick and die ..also i have cats that i wouldnt want to get ahold of the poison either ..i set my traps each morning and then again at nite with peanut butter and my rubber gloves..it got so bad i thought about hanging the dead so the others would see them ..get all mid evil on their butts ..lol..and i had some of those big ones for a little while but they started getting smaller with time ..i new i was starting to get the whole gean pool of them ..

reminds me , i need some more peanut butter ..i buy the cheap stuff for the traps at the dollar store ..good luck
Really ?

I've been nice and joke with you and support you and give you thumbs up all the time and you default to thinking I am being mean and not giving a nod to your position ?

I listen to you and was beating you to the punch about explaining .... oh well.

I had a boss that raved about my work for 4 years ... I made one error on a mileage sheet from handwritten notes - and I was never trusted again. My good standing and long history of great work held no weight against one error.

I'll just lurk and learn ... guess only a bad reputation holds weight with most. I'll keep my sharing urge well under wraps since I don't have the slightest idea all the stuff I should write around a statement so as not to offend someone.
Bleh.... no fighting... mice aren't worth it.
I did use the hardware cloth, I misspoke when I said wire mesh. I just missed a spot up high... which is prolly why my debris field was so extensive... little shhhhs. Anyway, I ugh at the though of traps, I hate being the cause of death, but you are right and the mice are so bad in my house and sheds that I am getting over it. Had to rewash a whole bunch of pans I had left on the stove to dry.... No need for chocolate chips in the grilled cheese sandwiches.. oh wait, those weren't chocolate chips... Stopped auto feeding the cats for the winter too... I see the cold snap started a new invasion. If they are hungry, they shall work for their supper, gonna have to go back to slippers and shoes, not just because of the cold hardwood floors. Nothing like gushy furry underfoot.
THIS COOP SHALL BE MAGNIFICENT AND VERMIN FREE! I will start posting pics as soon as my hubby takes the playhouse out and sets it up in the back yard.

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