NY chicken lover!!!!

Bleh.... no fighting... mice aren't worth it.
I did use the hardware cloth, I misspoke when I said wire mesh. I just missed a spot up high... which is prolly why my debris field was so extensive... little shhhhs. Anyway, I ugh at the though of traps, I hate being the cause of death, but you are right and the mice are so bad in my house and sheds that I am getting over it. Had to rewash a whole bunch of pans I had left on the stove to dry.... No need for chocolate chips in the grilled cheese sandwiches.. oh wait, those weren't chocolate chips... Stopped auto feeding the cats for the winter too... I see the cold snap started a new invasion. If they are hungry, they shall work for their supper, gonna have to go back to slippers and shoes, not just because of the cold hardwood floors. Nothing like gushy furry underfoot.
THIS COOP SHALL BE MAGNIFICENT AND VERMIN FREE! I will start posting pics as soon as my hubby takes the playhouse out and sets it up in the back yard.

This is another reason I picked muscovies to work with. They eat mice! They're good at it too. Then again I also have three cats so we don't usually have too much of a rodent problem around here. What breed was it that you were looking at on Meyer? It's possible one of us has them, and we certainly wouldn't charge you $30 for a chick :)

Saw it and couldn't resist!

Needed a chuckle, Luv -- thanks -- that's a good one!

I'm sorry about Chumley. No matter how much we gear ourselves up for such things it doesn't get easy.

Thanks, Rancher. It really caught me completely off guard and I think was even worse because Chummy was the "pet" of the flock.

THIS COOP SHALL BE MAGNIFICENT AND VERMIN FREE! I will start posting pics as soon as my hubby takes the playhouse out and sets it up in the back yard.

Good luck, DeansMill ... part of my coop is impossible to keep rodent free, because in any half decent weather, I keep the "man door" wide open, as it really keeps the coop nicely ventilated and dry. Bad news is, little critters are free to come and go. Both mice and chipmunks, though the chipmunks are visitors and not residents! I have not found rodents in the coop itself because of the tight fitting coop's screen door -- but on the storage side, they are a problem: poops and pee on top of the feed cans and other areas, shredded paper towel rolls, even a nest now and again. The worst is in the outside run. They build nests between the corrugated roofing panels and the heavy duty predator proof metal mesh ceiling over the run. UGH. I can't even get to them, and I won't use poison. So I just kind of live with the blasted things!

Now and then we get a couple in our house; can't abide with those and the traps are freshened and at the ready. This time of year does seem to find a burst of activity. I read that the mice detect where warm air is escaping from your house, and they are not only attracted to that, but often find a way in through these little nooks and crannies.

I have a rodent question, I went into my coop that I have been working so hard on and found I had missed a spot with my wire mesh. I have debris from a mouse nest and poopoos on my nice floor. So, do I need to make the coop super mouse proof? I read something about chickens, especially the Buckeye breed, taking care of that on their own. I wouldn't mind as the cats seem to think the mice are no longer pests, but play toys. At least indoors, my great white hunter (Hardtack) has been killing mice the size of guinea pigs outside and gifting them all over the patio. I am very excited about finishing up the coop and getting it ready for habitation... I looked at Meyer the other day, but the one bird that I wanted just for pretty was $30 for a chick... and they didn't have any anyway.

I don't know, my chickens killed a mouse in their run the other day. I watched it happen...they really don't like it when anything runs through their run...they will chase after it. They have also taken down frogs and a wild bird (I think the bird was already injured but still). I wouldn't count on them taking care of it but it's not unheard of.
Hi all...

I'm so sad right now and feel like I've been sucker punched. I went out to the coop to check on why the girls were making a ruckus to find our favorite hen, "Chumley" dead on the coop floor. I am stunned and even though I knew this came with the turf, I'm still in disbelief. She seemed OK this morning. She was simply "the best." I'm dreading telling my younger son today; we were very attached to her and she was more like a pet than the others. I feel so bad thinking I missed something.... She will be sorely missed.


I'm sorry you and your wife are having some tough times. I'll keep saying prayers on behalf of the family and especially that your wife is feeling stronger soon.


So sorry to hear about Chumley, that's definitely the worst :( I found one of my silkies just dead on the coop floor a few months ago. I think not knowing why is one of the worst parts...
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Hi all...

I'm so sad right now and feel like I've been sucker punched. I went out to the coop to check on why the girls were making a ruckus to find our favorite hen, "Chumley" dead on the coop floor. I am stunned and even though I knew this came with the turf, I'm still in disbelief. She seemed OK this morning. She was simply "the best." I'm dreading telling my younger son today; we were very attached to her and she was more like a pet than the others. I feel so bad thinking I missed something.... She will be sorely missed.


I'm sorry you and your wife are having some tough times. I'll keep saying prayers on behalf of the family and especially that your wife is feeling stronger soon.


Sorry for your loss - it never gets any easier does it?
Can't remember who started talking about getting pigs.........but I thought I would throw this in for consideration. My neighbor has pigs - Wilbur (the boar) at 600lb, 3 females & 2 'fixed' males all around 500lb each - they got loose this past weekend. Trying to herd 6 huge, ornery pigs through the mud and muck is not on my 'to do again' list for anytime soon!
If it hadn't been towards nightfall, I don't think we would have got them herded up at all, probably would have ended up shooting at least a couple. Wilbur was quite mellow, but the girls were mean, looking to bite if you got too near. I was very glad I had my hiking stick with me to give 'em encouragement without getting too near. I was unpleasantly surprised when I realized how fast they can move....
Scratch pigs off my 'must have' list.
I am sorry to hear that Chumley has gone to chicken heaven, but am enjoying thinking of what it might be like there, with dried corn cobs and fleece lined nest boxes that never get soiled. . .favorite humans to dispense treats and talk to her...

We have seen a lot of mice this year. A family moved into the bird house the Tree Swallows had used. I finally got around to cleaning that bird house and imagine my surprise when a small family of mice tunbled out with the nest. As I picked wild grapes I noticed a birds nest in the vine, and less grapes than two weeks before...yup, a mouse was leaving that nest. And the most ill fated family had built a nest under the dog crate that was housing the juveniles a while ago...that had more family members than the others, but I was impressed to see how the flock worked together to flush out the mice, and Eunice who can get out of the pen at will, guarded the exterior of the run...there was the usual keep away and even some unwilling sharing. At that point I chose not to watch.
I am sorry to hear that Chumley has gone to chicken heaven, but am enjoying thinking of what it might be like there, with dried corn cobs and fleece lined nest boxes that never get soiled. . .favorite humans to dispense treats and talk to her...

We have seen a lot of mice this year. A family moved into the bird house the Tree Swallows had used. I finally got around to cleaning that bird house and imagine my surprise when a small family of mice tunbled out with the nest. As I picked wild grapes I noticed a birds nest in the vine, and less grapes than two weeks before...yup, a mouse was leaving that nest. And the most ill fated family had built a nest under the dog crate that was housing the juveniles a while ago...that had more family members than the others, but I was impressed to see how the flock worked together to flush out the mice, and Eunice who can get out of the pen at will, guarded the exterior of the run...there was the usual keep away and even some unwilling sharing. At that point I chose not to watch.

I was cleaning out the old beehive the other day and was surprised to see several pairs of eyes looking at me!! Yup - mice! Since I don't need the beehive this winter, I decided to let them stay until Spring, we worked out a temp. lease/renting agreement..................
So sorry to hear about Chumley, that's definitely the worst :( I found one of my silkies just dead on the coop floor a few months ago. I think not knowing why is one of the worst parts...

AQHAchick....thank you. You're right, the not knowing drives me nuts; I keep thinking "what if?" and am frustrated at myself. Sorry you went through a similar shock to find one of your birds this way. It's a bad feeling when it comes out of the blue...

I am sorry to hear that Chumley has gone to chicken heaven, but am enjoying thinking of what it might be like there, with dried corn cobs and fleece lined nest boxes that never get soiled. . .favorite humans to dispense treats and talk to her...

We have seen a lot of mice this year. A family moved into the bird house the Tree Swallows had used. I finally got around to cleaning that bird house and imagine my surprise when a small family of mice tunbled out with the nest. As I picked wild grapes I noticed a birds nest in the vine, and less grapes than two weeks before...yup, a mouse was leaving that nest. And the most ill fated family had built a nest under the dog crate that was housing the juveniles a while ago...that had more family members than the others, but I was impressed to see how the flock worked together to flush out the mice, and Eunice who can get out of the pen at will, guarded the exterior of the run...there was the usual keep away and even some unwilling sharing. At that point I chose not to watch.
That's a nice image, Glass - thanks for the sweet thoughts. Chumley certainly earned a free pass up to heaven...couldn't get any sweeter or more gentle than our Chum-Chum.

I found a nest of mice in a bluebird box. I am a foolish sucker and just left them. They'll get kicked out in the spring, though! (They will probably proceed to my chicken coop at that time. I'm a soft-hearted dummy.)

Sorry for your loss - it never gets any easier does it?

Thanks, boskelli. No, it stinks. The only other hen I lost was due to an illness, and I had a little time to prepare for the worst while trying to (unsuccessfully) save her. This time, it was just a shock. I don't like either, but the acceptance of the 1st hen's death was easier.

I just stumbled upon this thread...nice to know there are a LOT of NY chicken owners!!
I am on the hunt for great NY breeders of Orpingtons & Wyandottes -- I know I can get them shipped in from hatcheries, but would rather buy locally. I'm near Albany, NY and see some GORGEOUS birds at our fairs...wondering if they're locally bred.

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