NY chicken lover!!!!

So what were you all doing this day 22 yrs ago? Luckily I was still in highschool.
When my father got back to work he was logging off where the Chenango County landfill is now. Had to dig over four foot of snow around each tree to get to the base and cut it down. They were on a time schedule, had to get it done and couldn't wait for the snow to melt Lol! 'Storm of the Century' '93

Wow! Doesn't time fly?? 22 years ago we were still working in Saudi Arabia, 2 years into my contract. No snow storms but the sand storms were even worse! Didn't matter how tight the house was, you always had sand to sweep the next day
22 years ago, hmm...still in elementary school. No troubles and nothing worth remembering that spring. Possibly that was the year we adopted a couple of bottle lambs. Not a great way to start a flock of sheep, but hey, my parents were three years out of the city and up for just about anything.
Evening All,
Well I learned a GREAT deal of info this week and all I can say is, I wish we never left NY!
As some of you may remember I'm currently working with Sizzles and Silkies and well, there just isn't a great deal of interested in either of those breeds in this part of New England as there is in other states. So I've been thinking more and more about becoming NPIP so that I can ship chicks and/or adult birds. While living in NY it seemed so easy so I figured what can be so different here in CT? A LOT! Soooo many tests, some are free, some are not, some a yearly, some are quarterly, it is a huge PIA! Which is just awful because I really want to continue working on this Sizzle project, especially since I'll be moving a spot in May that has so much more room for me to set up breeding pens and what not. So I'm thinking of saying forget it to the whole NPIP thing and just stay working with this as a hobby for me. It just stinks because I get a lot of messages on FB asking if I ship whenever I list birds for sale and I have to turn these people down. Owell...it is what it is I guess. We are planning on adding some goats this summer. (@Nuttyfrom6kids I just pics of your new goats! So cute!!) I think the kids will enjoy having those. I've found a few people here that raise them.

Has anyone fallen victim to the chicks at TS yet? I've gone into my TS almost daily this last week and I just have no interest in those breeds they get in so it's quite easy for me to leave with no chicks. However, they did have ducklings last week but I think they were Pekins. I want Runners again and maybe some Khaki Campbells.

Oh! I almost forgot, I have a friend here who raises Sebastopol geese and I took home 10 of the eggs she's been collected from her geese the last week. She's got 5 developing in her incubator and now I have 10. She sent me home with one of her incubators as well. If anything hatches they will go back to her farm as she the proper set up for them, but she's willing to let me keep 2 for hatching them for her. So Sebbie geese might be coming to the new house as well!
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Evening All,
Well I learned a GREAT deal of info this week and all I can say is, I wish we never left NY!
As some of you may remember I'm currently working with Sizzles and Silkies and well, there just isn't a great deal of interested in either of those breeds in this part of New England as there is in other states. So I've been thinking more and more about becoming NPIP so that I can ship chicks and/or adult birds. While living in NY it seemed so easy so I figured what can be so different here in CT? A LOT! Soooo many tests, some are free, some are not, some a yearly, some are quarterly, it is a huge PIA! Which is just awful because I really want to continue working on this Sizzle project, especially since I'll be moving a spot in May that has so much more room for me to set up breeding pens and what not. So I'm thinking of saying forget it to the whole NPIP thing and just stay working with this as a hobby for me. It just stinks because I get a lot of messages on FB asking if I ship whenever I list birds for sale and I have to turn these people down. Owell...it is what it is I guess. We are planning on adding some goats this summer. (@Nuttyfrom6kids I just pics of your new goats! So cute!!) I think the kids will enjoy having those. I've found a few people here that raise them.

Has anyone fallen victim to the chicks at TS yet? I've gone into my TS almost daily this last week and I just have no interest in those breeds they get in so it's quite easy for me to leave with no chicks. However, they did have ducklings last week but I think they were Pekins. I want Runners again and maybe some Khaki Campbells.

Oh! I almost forgot, I have a friend here who raises Sebastopol geese and I took home 10 of the eggs she's been collected from her geese the last week. She's got 5 developing in her incubator and now I have 10. She sent me home with one of her incubators as well. If anything hatches they will go back to her farm as she the proper set up for them, but she's willing to let me keep 2 for hatching them for her. So Sebbie geese might be coming to the new house as well!

I haven't been but even if I do I have no room for anything they have. I'm hatching my own and getting lots of eggs. Just sold two dozen today.

I've got 11 chicks in the brooder and hope to hatch a few more this coming week.

I've got a guy coming for a rooster tomorrow and found a Del roos dead today. The victim of the Pon farr I think. He's been with his brother since a chick and you'd think 8 hens would be enough for them both but I think they got greedy.

It takes time and feed to raise them up so I was disappointed to lose him. I've rather have given him to someone for the table.

Take care and good night
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I'm pretty sure comets & red sex links are pretty much the same thing, either way usually if it is at tsc in the pullet bin its a high production layer and sex link for the most part. Nearly always here. My guess is the same as the above poster golden comet

I agree with the bunch comets ..red sex links ..
.they are great layers .....Mine laid a egg a day for a couple of years
Ugh got a chicken in the house with a seriously pecked eye. Not sure if the eye is still there or not.. Left the coop the other day and heard a big squawking - ran back (hard to do with all the snow) and the two roos are fighting and the girl is bleeding. Not sure what happened there - she seems fine other than her eye, but it's a mess. Tried putting her back yesterday and she just hid, so she's back in the spare bedroom.

Chickens are definitely getting bored so all this snow needs to hurry up and melt. :p

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