NY chicken lover!!!!

The Rest Of The Story
Update- 2 More Lost chickens-
Talk about counting chickens
- 2 young hens spent the night outside..
The 2 hatch Babies Stayed together ...the two of them as chicks

They didnt make a peep when I found the black one ..yet they were near her. They were sleeping under the ford ..

They got in ...Couldnt figure how to get out.
One came out today ...when she had to lay a egg & wanted in the hen house ..
The other came out when I started shoveling to get her out ..
The Rest Of The Story
Update- 2 More Lost chickens-
Talk about counting chickens
- 2 young hens spent the night outside..
The 2 hatch Babies Stayed together ...the two of them as chicks

They didnt make a peep when I found the black one ..yet they were near her. They were sleeping under the ford ..

They got in ...Couldnt figure how to get out.
One came out today ...when she had to lay a egg & wanted in the hen house ..
The other came out when I started shoveling to get her out ..
I'm glad no one went too far!! The car seems to be a popular destination!!
That Ford is actually licensed & on the road ..it was having issues ..My husband didnt want to deal with it ...

.so he borrows my car instead & lets his sit ..

Well then I'd say all three of you have issues.
Right now our van is sitting because we don't have the money to fix it and the SIL is supposed to take it to get it fixed. Which reminds me I have to remind them I'm canceling the insurance if it doesn't get fixed! Guess we both have issues.

Maybe you should tell your husband if he doesn't get it fixed it's the new coop. Start stacking supplies around it, like poultry wire and lumber. Toss some scratch around it too. If he sees the chickens eyeing it he might get a move on.
That Ford is actually licensed & on the road ..it was having issues ..My husband didnt want to deal with it ...

.so he borrows my car instead & lets his sit ..
I think we all have one! I got my daughter a car when she was 16. She was nervous about taking her driver's test, and stayed without a license until she was 22. I insured the car (comp and collision) for 5 years while it sat in our driveway. I got offers from people to buy it. She didn't want to sell. Eventually, I gave up and called the local auto salvage yard to come pick it up. My husband was a mechanic for years, but hated the car, so he didn't work on it. It was a cute little car - it would have made a great coop! I also would have at least gotten something out of it for my trouble!!
Well then I'd say all three of you have issues.  :lau    Right now our van is sitting because we don't have the money to fix it and the SIL is supposed to take it to get it fixed. Which reminds me I have to remind them I'm canceling the insurance if it doesn't get fixed!  Guess we both have issues. :lau

Maybe you should tell your husband if he doesn't get it fixed it's the new coop.  Start stacking supplies around it, like poultry wire and lumber.  Toss some scratch around it too. If he sees the chickens eyeing it he might get a move on. :lau

I think we all have one! I got my daughter a car when she was 16. She was nervous about taking her driver's test, and stayed without a license until she was 22. I insured the car (comp and collision) for 5 years while it sat in our driveway. I got offers from people to buy it. She didn't want to sell. Eventually, I gave up and called the local auto salvage yard to come pick it up. My husband was a mechanic for years, but hated the car, so he didn't work on it. It was a cute little car - it would have made a great coop! I also would have at least gotten something out of it for my trouble!!
There is Another !

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