NY chicken lover!!!!





I’m having a tough time telling the difference between the hens and a rooster.

Since we’ve had these chickens for two years NONE of them have crowed until last week.

It looks like we could two white ones and one black but we’re only hearing one crow.
I’m so upset. I really don’t want to get rid of any of them. They’re all so good with us and our daughter.
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I’m having a tough time telling the difference between the hens and a rooster.

Since we’ve had these chickens for two years NONE of them have crowed until last week.

It looks like we could two white ones and one black but we’re only hearing one crow.
I’m so upset. I really don’t want to get rid of any of them. They’re all so good with us and our daughter.

Hens can crow. It's very possible that they are all hens, but your dominant hen has taken up crowing, which they sometimes do when there is no rooster around. I have a little bantam hen that has always been very dominant, and she crows.
You can tell hens from roosters by the saddle feathers.

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I’m having a tough time telling the difference between the hens and a rooster.

Since we’ve had these chickens for two years NONE of them have crowed until last week.

It looks like we could two white ones and one black but we’re only hearing one crow.
I’m so upset. I really don’t want to get rid of any of them. They’re all so good with us and our daughter.
Hens can crow. It's very possible that they are all hens, but your dominant hen has taken up crowing, which they sometimes do when there is no rooster around. I have a little bantam hen that has always been very dominant, and she crows.

Oh gosh! I'm freaking out. Hahaha We're going to need to find out who's doing it and rehome her. My neighbors have flipped. I'll go out and check the culprits but I'm so lost. I don't think I have roosters in there. None have those beautiful tails. They DO have those extra red combs and wattles that hang. but then Its hard to tell the difference. I knew at least one would end up in our brood. But not after two years. I've been watching the ones with the bigger combs and wattles.

I'll see what we find in the morning. We're going to get up at 5:30 to see. The thing is that once we get there, they STOP. Hahahaha I'm just not wanting our neighbors to complain to the town and we have to get rid of them all. We've had NO PROBLEMS until now.

What I think did it is the fact that we added two ducks into the mix. Their in their own house, but I noticed they corral the chickens. I'm thinking someone got their feet stepped on so he or she is crowing to show their have seniority. lol It's just a guess, but it's the only way I can explain how our chickens would wait TWO YEARS before they crow. lol Honestly, this is funny, but I'm pretty sad because it means I have to re-home my chicken and I love them all.

Oh, and if it's the one I'm thinking of...one of the white ones, he or she is a small white one. Not necessarily a bantam, but all three are small.
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Thank you so much! I'll check them tomorrow. This caught us by surprise and of course a neighbor would have to complain around the time we have some other more important issues to tackle.


So my husband caught the culprit but we’re not really noticing that she’s any different than the other girls.

My husband says both times we heard her that’s its ONLY in the CoOp and never in the run or at any other hour but 6am.

We’re putting a door on the CoOp so they can’t go straight to the run. We’re bringing the window down a little on the side where the neighbors are located and the other open window is toward the woods.

My husband doesn’t want to re-home quite yet.

So does this one look like a rooster?we looked up black australorps and they usually have that flowing tail and saddle.
To me it looks like a nice healthy hen with a good size comb. The hackle and saddle feathers look rounded in the picture, like a hen would have. Is she really crowing, or just squawking because it is morning and it's time for everyone to wake up? :)

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