NY chicken lover!!!!

Nothing yet. I'm waiting for lavenders. They won't be available for awhile yet. When the auction occurs we could split it.
I did get 10 BCM and 18 silkie eggs. Hopefully they'll be in by Friday. I only bid on 8 and 12 because my bator only holds 24, but they're sending extras. The silkie eggs are smaller so maybe they'll fit. Good thing I dropped out of the welsummer auction. I do think one of my BO hens is broody, but I'm not positive. And sometimes I find 2 hens in one of the nests at the same time. I think its because the 1 doesn't want to leave, but its the favorite box for about 7 hens. I'm thinking of getting legbands to see if it is always the same hen that's in the box. She insists on sleeping in it also.

Amy What are you hatching?
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That sounds like a plan
Sounds like you girl is going broody. My OEGB is right now but I wanted to wait for a bit warmer weather before I let her try it. She tried in Oct. sat for 2 weeks then gave up! So we ended up incubating the rest of the time and they hatched ! So maybe she will stick with it this time. Hope you get your eggs in and have a great hatch!

I'm putting in some of my mille fluer d uccle eggs and maybe some red sex link eggs. The dads are either my black EE roo or my d uccle roo. So we will see. After this I will be seperating my duccles out from the rest, I want to eventually hatch some pure eggs too:)
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That's a nice group are they all pullets? When are you expecting them to be delivered?

My first order was 15 Buff Orps for my British husband and 15 Ameraucanas for me. But when they told me it would take 6 weeks, I went to Heritage Feed and bought a trial 6 pack. And the coop my husband was in the process of building was big enough for 12. He has since built a second larger coop with a deck between the 2 coops. Now he gave me a bator for Christmas and plans to enclose the deck.
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Yes, they're all pullets except for a JG roo..............yes, it is a nice selction, except I already have 16 - 11 egg layers and 5 little bantys, including a roo.....
But I tell my husband, don't worry, I am going to get rid of the RIR's and leghorns because the RIR's are nasty and the leghorns are just oo crazy
But, on a good note, my coop is big enough. I hope...
Thats a nice mix jerseygirl

Joanne, how are your birds that you got from Heritage? What did you get from them? Just wondering as I have heard about them and I just emailed them about what they carry. They get thier chicks from Murray Mcmurray or Cackle. They do get in everything, Chicks, ducks, geese,turkeys, guineas,pheasants,and peafowl. Just wondering if it would be worth taking a ride over there in the spring when they get them in.
Are they laying. I'm looking for eggs or very cheep hens. I have a friend who's helped us out a lot. A very nice guy. I just don't have the breeds he wants. He wants leghorns, RIRs or sexlinks. (Their kids are all grown up now) He help my DH get me the bator. So I will return the favor by getting him a flock.
If they're used for eating, I can exchange for other eggs.
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I bought 4 light brahmas which I sold to Tank, he said they're doing well. And 2 black australorps which I still have and they are my best layers.
The group I ordered came from Cackle and they were all healthy, didn't loose a single one.

I'm getting 10 dozen eggs a week right now, does anyone needs eggs. None of them are slowing down.


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