NY chicken lover!!!!

Well, I managed to resist the temptation in Tractor Supply today. I have sworn to myself I won't buy anything until their bantams come in because all I want is a few cute little bantams. That's it! Had a good time today out with Metella and Baking. We all picked up some things to grow some sprouts for our chickens. I have tons on sprout packages after the seed swap we put together. I also have life! Some of my tomatoes have sprouted, so I guess I can grow things after all! I started them on top of my bearded dragon's enclosure, so they're getting warmed up from that and I think that helps.
I wouldn't give them anything to swim in for a while. They can get very cold when wet. Ducklings are not waterproof ....I almost killed one of mine letting it "swim" before it had feathers. And an oil gland. I know, ducks in the wild swim at birth, however they have the oil from their mother's gland. She kinda grooms them. They say that ducklings not with their momma develop their oil gland about 6 weeks of age.

Yeah I figured they didn't have oil yet so at first I had the water so they could swim in it. Then I noticed they wasn't floating as good and that's when if you watch the video changes light some I linked two videos together after I lowered the water some. I also used warm water like way warmer than I thought they would like. but they loved it. After a few min I took them out towel dried them and then placed a secondary heat lamp next to the main one to make sure they had a nice warm spot to dry. They dried within 5 min then moved away from lamp so I took second one off. Thank you for the heads up will keep an eye out on them when I play in water with them.
So we were in Marshalls and DW was looking at Easter Dish towels and stuff she wanted and of course I said she could have them. It was then that I told her I got ducks.  :lol:   She took it rather well.   

Very smart move. Timing is everything sometimes. She might have suspected something was up, but wise to disclose the info when she's in a good mood.

Wish dish towels would work w my husband.;)
I don't dare to go to TSC lest they have Pekins. I have no problem resisting chicks, but I'm a sucker for duckehs.

"Muh Ha Ha Ha" Now picture me with my fingers together and a smirk.
Morning all. Came home yesterday to Thelma and Louise greeting me at my car door. Bill was there (I think he and Louise are a thing) and he ran up on the porch to avoid me. I walked up the stairs and he panicked and jumped out on top of the snow, stood there a minute then walked around the house on top of the snow to the kitchen porch and crowed. Imagine his surprise when I opened that door and said hello to him. He jumped back into the snow and made his way back to the coop. Not the brightest bulb in the box. I think the girls were laughing at him.

Feels like snow today but we arent supposed to get any, or at least not much. My incubator is holding temp and humidity well so I will go turn on the turner now. I am hoping for a good hatch with these eggs. Rancher--I have the same bator as you only newer and the humidity seems to hold pretty good and recover well after opening. You might have to do the sponge thing if yours isnt. In my old bator thats what I used. I use the old one now to transfer the chicks to when my hatch is taking a couple of days.

If anyone wants mutt chicks or hatching eggs at the picnic, let me know by the end of the month so I can hatch accordingly. Pm me.

The duckehs are adorable but there is no room at the inn here! As it is, I had to fight one of my broody silkies this morning to see if there was an egg under her. That little girl is worse than a pack of wolves defending their pups! And she probably weighs all of 6 ounzes! I think cornering 3 roosters and trying to grab them is easier.

Off to fling coffee and frapps today. Going to be a looooooong day!

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