NY chicken lover!!!!

My stinkin computer doesn't like BYC.  I can't view any of the pics that have been posted.  :barnie

Jen--Your frizzle OE was from us?

Nemesis may you meet and run with new friends including my Cleo on your journey.

Desiree-- I have NN and BLRW

Yeah, I checked back in my PM to see when I picked them up, early last April. She is a fiesty thing and very pretty, but surprised that she only just started laying. I thought the incomplete brown coated one may have been hers, like she forgot the blue layer, but guess she really does lay OE.
My work computer still won't let me post, reply or PM, the box for typing isn't even there. So everyone either gets ovation messages or wait till I'm home on the iPod. I feel your frustration. :)
I can here chirping in 2 of 3 eggs

What's your humidity at? Is the egg that pipped one of the ones chirping? If it doesn't starting zipping 24hrs after the external pip I would try helping it out a bit. Thing is, yours are on day 24 so they should be done absorbing the rest of the yolk. Can you tell if the other two at least have internal pips yet?

What's your humidity at? Is the egg that pipped one of the ones chirping? If it doesn't starting zipping 24hrs after the external pip I would try helping it out a bit. Thing is, yours are on day 24 so they should be done absorbing the rest of the yolk. Can you tell if the other two at least have internal pips yet?[/quot] the one that's not chirping I think is dead. The one that piped is chirping and the one that was moving all around is chirping. That one hasn't piped external. Idk what my humidity is we are having thermometer problems.
Well don't give up on the one that externally pipped yet, I read it can take anywhere between 6-36hrs for them to hatch after they pip. Mine all pipped on Thursday afternoon/evening and the last one didn't hatch until Friday around 1pm I think. I was getting worried about it but it soon started to shift itself in that shell and was zipping around the egg in no time.
Can you candle the air cell side of the egg? See if there are any bumps in the "circle" on that end? If it's still cheeping and you hear pecking inside the egg I wouldn't worry too much. Sounds like they're on their way.
Lindsay, We have two cameras in our Barn. We can watch our Chickens on our TV.
Beats nist TV programs. Regards, Aria
So everyone dry hatching, how does that work you just don't add the extra moisture?
I'm still wondering why the dozen I gave my friend were all duds. Maybe I'll give her some more to try again with a dry hatch.
She did say the eggs looked porous. But those shells are thick! I have a hard time cracking them.

I didn't add any water in my incubator until lockdown. So days 1-18 it was low at like 25%, no higher than 30%. That was no water, non sponges, nothing. I added water to half the well at lockdown and it brought humidity up to 70% and they all hatched on day 20.
Sorry to be so uninformed.....what is "lockdown" ....day or 2 before expected hatch? Thanks Aria

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