NY chicken lover!!!!

My little Sumatra Set & hatched 7 eggs ...so I would think a reg size one could do 10- 12 eggs .
Ive had a broody setting for almost 6 weeks ....i put new eggs under her...
It would be okay to put ones the same age under 1 hen ...give the new eggs to the newer broody .
Yes if chicks hatch after a few days..she will leave the eggs ...to take care of the chicks ...
Be prepared to fire up the incubator ....to continue the hatch.

Thanks for answering my broody questions, Gramma! And sorry about your hen. :-(
So Sorry ....Accidents Happen ...can you afford to try for more ?

Yes, I've ordered three eggs and will order three more if the breeder's geese are still laying at the time of my next paycheck, but there's no guarantee they will hatch, of course :(
Ok...those lash eggs are nasty!

Broody questions...

How many eggs can a standard-sized hen sit on? (I have a Marans sitting, and an australorp)

How long will a broody sit, if nothing hatches under her? After my first hen went broody (that would be Attila the Hen), a second one went broody shortly after. I candled last night and pulled three eggs total...leaving three under one hen, and four under another. If more eggs do not develop, I'd like to stick some additional eggs under one of them...moving the more developed eggs under one bird.

I'm trying to hatch several of my BCM X EE eggs, of which I was unsuccessful in the incubator (the one that hatched, had a slipped tendon and had to be put down). The three eggs that I pulled last night were all EE eggs. Two developed a little...but the embryo stuck to the air cell. This actually happened to several of the EE eggs I set in the incubator.

Finally...if a broody hatches a few eggs, but has one or two that still have a day or so to go, will she continue to sit on the eggs that still have time to hatch, or will she get up and follow her chicks around?

Thanks for your help guys!

I don't recommend shifting eggs from two chickens under one unless the hatch dates will be the same. my experience has been that once the first batch hatches the hen will abandon the remaining eggs after only a day or so.
Morning all. Got most of the pedicures done in the second coop. Eowyn is sitting on eggs so she gets a pass. Today is bath day. Have to work in the garden first this am. That's going to drive the terrorists crazy as they are right next to it and have been looking for ways in! My blackberry plants have quite a bit of fruit setting so I may order more next year. I have flowers on my tomato plants as well.

Dh thinks the bear was by last night. Neighbors dog had his bear bark going and Dh was outside by the firpeace and he went looking but didn't see anything. Doesn't mean it wasn't there, just that it was out of flashlight range. Soldier, the neighbors lab, is never wrong when it comes to bears. Hopefully it continues on its rounds.

Lock down soon for my silkie eggs. Fingers crossed for a good hatch. I can't take another year of busts.
It must be Broody season :). 2 of my girls are trying to go broody. As I lift them off their nests & attempt to dc their plans they let me know in no uncertain terms how displeased they r with my efforts. It's just a matter of time before I break down & give them eggs to hatch. They are both spitzhaubens, not known to go broody. I have no idea what kind of mothers they will be. I wonder if moving started chicks into the chx house recently has flipped a switch in the older girls.:/

On the other end of the spectrum, I caponized a few cockrels on Saturday. It's a little tricky, but I was amazed how quickly the little boys shake it off, eating & drinking & scratching right away. I have a few more cued up for the snip-snip today, but am feeling a little chicken :rolleyes:
Morning all. Got most of the pedicures done in the second coop. Eowyn is sitting on eggs so she gets a pass. Today is bath day. Have to work in the garden first this am. That's going to drive the terrorists crazy as they are right next to it and have been looking for ways in! My blackberry plants have quite a bit of fruit setting so I may order more next year. I have flowers on my tomato plants as well.

Dh thinks the bear was by last night. Neighbors dog had his bear bark going and Dh was outside by the firpeace and he went looking but didn't see anything. Doesn't mean it wasn't there, just that it was out of flashlight range. Soldier, the neighbors lab, is never wrong when it comes to bears. Hopefully it continues on its rounds.

Lock down soon for my silkie eggs. Fingers crossed for a good hatch. I can't take another year of busts.
I think that I would freak out if I new a bear was close by..Although there was an unreported truck vs.bear accident not to far from me. The only reason that I know about it is that the guy that hit is is a friend of the family. He didn't report it cause he was drinking. I didn't believe it, but the guy took a picture of it on his phone and DH saw the picture. still not sure if I believe it or not, but I guess that there were other sober witnesses. It was just a few miles away. (glad that he didn't hurt anyone...and NO I do NOT agree with drinking and driving!!) Don't know of anyone else that has seen any other bear around here so not sure where this one would have come from.
Bears teavel great distances. Boars (males) have a fairly large territory, usually overlapping some sows territory or at least in proximity. The boar that lives around here usually takes 2 weeks to travel his whole area. I know this because people who live on the other end will let me know if they see him. Of course garbage day on tuesday mornings usually sees cans hit monday nights by the bears. Easy meals. Fine by me as they leave my chickens and coops alone. We had a sow and 3 cubs a couple years back sleeping off a big meal in a pine tree in our backyard. Never bothered our chickens, who were freeranging at the time.
It must be Broody season :). 2 of my girls are trying to go broody. As I lift them off their nests & attempt to dc their plans they let me know in no uncertain terms how displeased they r with my efforts. It's just a matter of time before I break down & give them eggs to hatch. They are both spitzhaubens, not known to go broody. I have no idea what kind of mothers they will be. I wonder if moving started chicks into the chx house recently has flipped a switch in the older girls.:/

On the other end of the spectrum, I caponized a few cockrels on Saturday. It's a little tricky, but I was amazed how quickly the little boys shake it off, eating & drinking & scratching right away. I have a few more cued up for the snip-snip today, but am feeling a little chicken :rolleyes:
. I have wanted to try that forever. Wish you could come to chickenstock and do a demo. I'm afraid. I don't want to kill them. Yet I have done stitches to a cockeral who got caught in a fence and tore open himself from leg to chest.
. I have wanted to try that forever. Wish you could come to chickenstock and do a demo. I'm afraid. I don't want to kill them. Yet I have done stitches to a cockeral who got caught in a fence and tore open himself from leg to chest.

I plan on being at chicken stock, but don't feel comfortable doing a demo. I'm a super-novice and am still learning. The birds for caponizing are culls & will be processed eventually anyway. Hopefully with their little nuggets removed they won't beat on each other or their pullet hatch mates as much while they are growing out.

Currently procrastinating....

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