NY chicken lover!!!!

Can I ask how many folks came to this last one?  I only ask because at the one I'd been to at Tabs and Travis we brought the burgers and there were plenty left over.  

We have a Maines nearby and we bought a box of burgers and can do the same with hot dogs. It's the place where the school buys their burgers. I can check to see what the cost is since it's been awhile. 

I will say, I've made offers for DW and I to help but am not getting any responses. No folks saying "that sounds good or no that won't work) Have I upset folks? I'm good at that you know. I don't mean to but it happens. 

We are volunteer people.  DW just helped at a wedding ( I stayed home to catch up on chores that didn't get done while we were away)  and there is one the day of this stock, but I told her we HAVE to be at the stock.  Even during her radiation she up and made cookies for a baby shower.  Me I just lift the heavy stuff or run to the store for her.  

Fogot, for what it's worth. Happy Fathers day.  Not too many fathers on here. 

I keep forgetting to ask.  Anyone know why I've stopped getting thread updates?


There were a couple hundred people there and for chickenstock I did get 2 boxes of burgers and some hotdogs donated but a majority of it we paid for I ended up cooking over a 100 burgess alone. The same for drinks there was some tea and some Soda brought but most of the Soda and water was what I purchased I made no where close to what I paid for the food, drinks, or the port a potty the 50/50 and Chinese auction did not bring in a lot so this time Unless more people donate I am sorry but I do have to charge for the burgers and hotdogs right along with the drinks.

As far as your offer for help I didn't see the message as well as I am also not getting updates to the threads will get in touch with you either tonight after work or tomorrow
There were a couple hundred people there and for chickenstock I did get 2 boxes of burgers and some hotdogs donated but a majority of it we paid for I ended up cooking over a 100 burgess alone. The same for drinks there was some tea and some Soda brought but most of the Soda and water was what I purchased I made no where close to what I paid for the food, drinks, or the port a potty the 50/50 and Chinese auction did not bring in a lot so this time Unless more people donate I am sorry but I do have to charge for the burgers and hotdogs right along with the drinks.

As far as your offer for help I didn't see the message as well as I am also not getting updates to the threads will get in touch with you either tonight after work or tomorrow

Well now DW and I will still help out. We don't care. I'm not about the money so much as meeting chicken minded folks. Perhaps non chickens stock folks are the increase and this is why there wasn't enough donated food?

One thing I learned from DW is you never go anywhere empty handed. Seems to me if folks are inviting their non BYC family they should see there is enough to feed them.

We certainly don't want to spoil this by expecting our hostess and host to foot the whole bill. I my mind their donating the venue should be enough.
Broody question:
Only once before have I had a broody raise chicks all the way thru. She did a great job, but the chicks matured into standoffish, almost wild adults. Does this just come w the broody territory? Or are there ways to calm the chicks & imprint on them a bit while their mom is raising them? It's so nice to have momma chicken doing all the work, but I'm concerned I'm gona have some wild ones when she's done. Am I asking to have my cake & eat it too? Suggestions?
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Quote: Of these 200 people there where 50 or less from BYC ( includes the children ) - all of those donated something as far as I know .I brought $20.00 of Hofman hots myself
The others....nON byc I didnt see that they brought anything . (You would know this better than me )
I think if you are going to invite the public you should charge because most probably didnt bring anything..Right ?
You could just make this one a closed group or charge a cover charge per person
Figure maybe $5.00 each ..If you say Free Food People will Come & THEY DID !

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