NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi there Shodack!  I just happened to come on for a visit and saw your sweet post. All is well.  It's been very busy the past few weeks. We were preparing for a terminally ill foster child to come live his/her life out here with us. I prayed very hard that the birth family would come around for this little one. While we are trying to expand our own family, what was best for the child was to live days home with the people they know. By the grace of God it must have worked out. We have certainly seen some sad cases lately. :hit  

Do they bleed from molting or do you think she was pecked by another girl?  I have seen a couple of them with their feathers up on their neck which I'm assuming means they're telling each other who's boss. I also saw where other birds will go after feathers when they are not getting enough protein in their diets because the feathers are protein? Not sure if I got that right.

Another thing I'm wondering is I'm seeing some other girls with white dander of some sort on their necks. Please don't tell me it's mites!  I ran out of DE a couple weeks ago and the garden center we go to doesn't have any more of the organic kind because they are closing this month until spring. I have no idea where to buy DE so I can spread it in the coop.  We had a bonfire last week, so I used the ashes in their bath in the run. Other than all of that, I'm hoping that I've done all I can and everyone is okay.  I am a bit concerned for my EE'er though. Since she's missing a few feathers on her back, will she get too cold over night?

How is everyone doing?!

While they're molting, their feathers come in that waxy shaft u have seen with a blood supply that runs quite a ways up the feather. They're called 'blood feathers' until they're fully matured and the blood supply receeds. If one of these breaks, it will bleed. In my chickens, I've only seen a broken blood feather on feathered feet. But technically it could happen anywhere their feathers are coming in, bigger feathers more than smaller ones. If your girl doesn't have any cuts or scrapes on her back, it could have been a blood feather. If you find a blood feather that is still bleeding, use a pair of needle nose pliers to grab it as close to the skin as possible and pull it out. That will stop the bleeding. I have a parrot who chews her feathers, leaving new feathers exposed and unsupported. She breaks blood feathers from time to time.

TSC has DE. It's not the fancy organic type, but they have it. I've read that wood ash works very well. Check at night for mites bc that's when they come out. If u have them, you may see the mites on the roosts and your birds will keep scratching all night. Tho sometimes molting will make them itchy too. You can also look underneath their feathers for little black or red bugs.

Stay well. Best of wishes for your family and that lucky child who has your support. That's a really tough job. The kid is very lucky to have found you.

@rancher. This is the inside
Lisa...from what I can see of your coops, your silkies should be just fine. Ventilation is key. Keeping the coop dry and ventilated will keep them warm. Mine have a smaller coop and I just change out the litter if needed.

Morning all. Last day of my oldest daughters visit from ga. She and her boyfriend and dog made the quick trip up. Their dog, kena, is the sweetest girl. She did try to grab one of my rir hens but was unsuccessful. Been good since then though. Putting up Christmas decorations today. Both my eldest and middle daughters will be helping. The baby will be home later in december.

I was looking at the girls in Legolas coop and am keeping my fingers crossed that the one might be a boy. Of course I won't know for sure until it crows or lays an egg. For once I am hoping for a rooster! Silkies are out enjoying free ranging since I'm home today. I feel guilty locking them up all the time while at work. My reds are well. Going to get another line in the spring. Always working on improvement.

Rancher...how is dw?

Gramma...all is well with you?

Thanks for all the responses from you peeps. I will try to be on more. Perhaps in January there will be more news on chickenstock and other gatherings.

Be well my friends.

Either way she shouldn't hold a grudge, at least in my opinion. If you let your dog run loose and it gets into something on someone else's property since you didn't bother to keep it on yours...well, I think that's the owner's fault. Just like I think it's the owner's fault if a dog gets shot trespassing and killing someone's livestock. This is an opinion I developed after my flock was terrorized by the neighbor's dog, and after I talked to them repeatedly and another chicken owning neighbor flat out told the owner they were going to shoot it, they still let it roam. My opinion is if you let your dog roam you're asking for whatever you get. But some people unfortunately can't seem to grasp it's their responsibility to keep the dog on their property, and then blame others when their dog gets into something it shouldn't or gets injured or sick.

It's not okay though if someone does something on your property that harms your dog. For example one year a hunter apparently hunted on our land without our permission, field dressed the deer, and left it all for our dog to find.

This is totally not aimed at anyone in here, by the way. Just wanted to share my opinion on the matter

My sentiments exactly, the whole time we have lived here, had no problems and no issues of losing our flock to any predators.. Then we have new neighbors that moved in down the road to the east of us and sure as crap lost half my laying flock to their husky... I kept wondering why my chikens were dwindling and then one morning our dogs were barking mad..looked out the window and sure enough there were two huskys chasing after them and one had a hen in its mouth.One of the dogs even tried to kill our cat.. The owner kept apologixing and did acknowledge that he had noticed his dogs with blood on their faces after being let out.. as of late.. Now he knew why.. We live about 1/4 mile up the road.. He offered to pay for chicks, but of course for us it was too late in the season for us to be dealing with that.. we said keep your dog contained and we wont have to be unfriendly about it..

It did put a dent in our egg sales, as we have regular ..consistant buyers... but again I agree ..Warn said offender of the issue... next its all open range as far as I am concerned.
Hi there Shodack! I just happened to come on for a visit and saw your sweet post. All is well. It's been very busy the past few weeks. We were preparing for a terminally ill foster child to come live his/her life out here with us. I prayed very hard that the birth family would come around for this little one. While we are trying to expand our own family, what was best for the child was to live days home with the people they know. By the grace of God it must have worked out. We have certainly seen some sad cases lately.

After that we had my cousins kids over for a weekend and they were sick. Ugh! That meant that our daughter got sick, my husband and luckily I've seemed to have kept it at bay thus far by downing vitamins, herbs and the likes.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving. I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was a good one!

I come with a question tonight. My easter egger (Lady Mary), had blood on her back tonight. This was the first I've seen a little bald spot and blood. I'm pretty good at looking the girls over so I would have seen it the last couple of days. They've been out free ranging for a few hours but never left alone. I KNOW it wasn't my dog because while she is docile with them, I never leave her outside alone with them. As you all said a while back, you never trust them alone with the girls so I haven't.

At any rate, I looked her over and she even let me look underneath without fighting me. I ran in the house, grabbed some warm soapy water, a wash cloth and some warm rinsing water. I cleaned the area, then used a small amount of peroxide on her back which a chicken blogger mentioned. I wiped the small amount of blood away to notice hear feathers were missing. Some were coming in and some were missing and all I could see were the holes. I'm guessing she's molting but didn't know she'd molt in cold temps like this. I added some triple antibiotic ointment on (which the blogger said to keep on hand) it though I'm always hesitant to put antibiotics on anyone/thing and gently set her down.

Do they bleed from molting or do you think she was pecked by another girl? I have seen a couple of them with their feathers up on their neck which I'm assuming means they're telling each other who's boss. I also saw where other birds will go after feathers when they are not getting enough protein in their diets because the feathers are protein? Not sure if I got that right.

Another thing I'm wondering is I'm seeing some other girls with white dander of some sort on their necks. Please don't tell me it's mites! I ran out of DE a couple weeks ago and the garden center we go to doesn't have any more of the organic kind because they are closing this month until spring. I have no idea where to buy DE so I can spread it in the coop. We had a bonfire last week, so I used the ashes in their bath in the run. Other than all of that, I'm hoping that I've done all I can and everyone is okay. I am a bit concerned for my EE'er though. Since she's missing a few feathers on her back, will she get too cold over night?

How is everyone doing?!

The white dander that you see is the residue from the new feathers protective coating - looks like a bad case of dandruff!!
I started a new thread today. Its New York mini chickenstock 2016. I have contacted several of you already about it . I plan on a gathering the last weekend of May for those of us who are addicted to chickens, plants and each other. Nothing fancy. If your interested in coming to the middle of nowhere to do a lot of, well chicken talk/trade please go to the other thread and let's start getting ready.
This is a totally off topic, but do any of your chicken raisers also maintain honey hives? The Hubster and I are looking at doing hives but have no idea if there are any associations or clubs here in the North Country part of NY... I am located in Evans Mills

I remember at least one person in here had hives, but I can't remember who. I'm not sure if they've posted recently - we've had a couple of long time posters in here who haven't posted in a bit.

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