NY chicken lover!!!!

I still have my rain check for CM shavings. I've been busy and have not gotten out there yet. They had a sale.  They have a sale a couple of times a year so I stock up then. 

I did manage to get some hay for not to much and he delivered it so post to CL and see what you can get.  

I don't see where you live but lord have mercy be careful.

 We left the city proper (Syracuse) because we were concerned. We'd found a bullet in our driveway and I told DW I don't care we're moving even if we have to go into an apartment.  Which is why we landed here. Now we're considering selling and moving somewhere I don't know. I am tired.  Well I am, DW says "I'll go back to work before I sell and move".  So I guess I'll be leaving by myself.  :lau   Texas is warmer this time of year.  :lau

I've posted 5 chicks to CL for $1 each but anyone here wants to come and get them they can have them for free.  Delawares and two Delaware patterned frizzles. One frizzed, one not.  About three weeks old.  

I'm keeping just two this time round. One because it's a B. Marans and the other to keep it company.  I'd like them gone asap.   

Wish I had somewhere to house chicks this time of year. .. Delawares are on my wishlist- next time!
Gramma, glad the chickens were okay! I worry that I will do this some day.
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J J feeds has the DE in larger bags for cheaper than TSC. OR you can order it online if you have to drive too far. My first bag was ordered. Cheaper shipping than the gas to go get it at the time. Dust your birds AND roosts AND nest boxes. Roosts can be rubbed down with mineral oil or vaseline or Bag Balm. Dust all crevices and dark corners.

I know there are those who say it doesn't help but I think it does. Remember an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Don't wait til you see mites.

What is the Protein in your feed? Keep it high in the winter at least.

(remember folks all opinions are my own and suggestions for everyone not just those quoted)

Is this the JJ Feeds that's in Lafayette? We are close enough to where we can make it there. Do you know if they're open on the weekends? I suppose I could call and find out myself.
Thank you for sharing. I'm going to go out and check their feed bag shortly when my husband walks through the door. It's funny you mentioned the protein. I'm feeding them the fermented feed and since they were due to start laying I figured I'd buy the organic layer pellets. So I just switched them to layer pellets from the chick feed. Should I have waited until I've actually seen eggs before giving them the layer pellets? Could that have done it?

I ferment it and add oats, chia seeds, flax seeds and I put some split peas in there. I didn't want to put any soy in there or whey protein. Would lentils be good protein to add if we needed to add it? We're a mainly plant-based family with my daughter and I having the occasional egg or two so my husband is full vegan and my daughter and I are vegetarian. Eggs, no cheese or dairy or regular meat. We eat the occasional egg or fish with veggies and sometimes GMO free soy.

By the way, If I add Bag Balm to their feet and the roosts won't they slip off the roosts?

Originally Posted by Gramma Chick

Also in winter it is good to give them some fat ..occasionally ...so they have some fat stored in their bodies
This some hamburg fat im going to freeze for them

Your probably going to get a chuckle out of this but does it matter what kind of fat? We don't eat animal fat for health reasons (my husband has a family history of heart disease with every male on his side either passing away by the age of 40 or having several heart attacks and stents by that age and I'm newly off my insulin pump but still on insulin for type II diabetes). Is it possible to switch animal fat for flax, chia or nuts? Oh boy! These chickens are going to hate us. Hahahaha They'll have some access to lots of greens, fruits, veggies, beans and grains they want but the animal fat will not be one of them.

Corn. Are you feeding your chickens whole corn? I think I may have asked this before but if we have to feed them corn I'd rather be sure it's not GMO.

Here is the feed we're giving them. I have looked a couple of times and can't find how much protein is in it. I'll have to go into the coop tomorrow to find it. http://organicfeeds.com/16-egg-layer-pellets/.
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Originally Posted by Gramma Chick

Also in winter it is good to give them some fat ..occasionally ...so they have some fat stored in their bodies
This some hamburg fat im going to freeze for them

Your probably going to get a chuckle out of this but does it matter what kind of fat?
A:I dont think it matters ...could be vegetable or peanut butter
I bet a neighbor would save some for you ...in exchange for eggs

Corn. Are you feeding your chickens whole corn? I think I may have asked this before but if we have to feed them corn I'd rather be sure it's not GMO.
A: I feed them cracked corn occasionally in scratch / with sunflower seeds
On the subject of mites, my flock has had them in the past, I went crazy cleaning out the coop, then calmed down and they dust bath. The most effective thing was when I added a good sized tub with wood ashes in it. They use that, although it seems to get shavings in it when they mess with those. I just use a kitty litter scoop to clear that out, and spread the ashy shavings around the coop to be repellents. I had bought DE, but decided to go the wood ash way since some sources were saying it is bad for respiratory systems, both ours and theirs. In extreme times of need I have used Eprinex topically. I wouldn't use that unless they had many visibly crawling, a real infestation.

I think JJ Feeds hours are weekdays 10 to 3, Saturday 7 to 12, closed Sunday. I buy straw there, too. Feed stores might be a good place to buy straw for I forgot who was looking.
Morning all. So sorry to read of all the losses. Unfortunately there are too many people out there who have dogs that shouldn't and some of you have paid the price for it. Lately I have been seeing more posts on Fb of animals that were left behind by owners who moved. I wish we could treat the owners the same way they treat their animals. Okay, rant over.

Our town has been revisiting the ordinance of animals on property. We have a lot of city people who have homes here and they cause all kinds of problems for those of us who live here year round. Anyways, the ordinance from 2003 somehow got lost so now the town is making a new one. Basically you can have animals on your property and no one will bother you unless there is a complaint. If someone complains, then someone will be out to check to make sure your barns, fences, manure piles, etc are up to code. Dh is making the suggestion that only the people living next to the offending property can complain, not someone driving by. Guess we will find out on the 8th what the new ordinance will say exactly.

To the person who posted pics of their chickens missing feathers...looks like your girls are being plucked by the others. Increase their protein intake. You can also put hen saddles on them which will help on their backs.

Speaking of saddles, I bought some from someone who was also selling honey at the last chickenstock at nuttys. I am looking to buy more. Pm me if you know who that was.

Have a good day everyone!
Well, I finally got the tarp over the cemani run this morning. It's a bit dark so I'll be running a strand of clear Christmas lights in there to brighten things up. I know for a fact I bought some last year after Christmas but so far I haven't been able to find the darn things. If I still can't by this afternoon I'll just buy another strand while I'm out.

I also started the Big Coop Cleanout that I have to do every year before winter sets it. I'll probably finish it tomorrow, but I did get it about 1/3 of the way done this morning. I also think on the way out the hawk snagged one of my youngest cockerels, one of the three buff orp mixes. I haven't seen it in a few days. The other two might not be as hard to rehome as I thought - they might actually be pretty. It looks like both will get their father's blue tail, which is an interesting look and apparently a dominant trait.
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Good morning!
We made a lot of progress cleaning up outside yesterday, but when I looked out this morning realized I'm very far from done. Prioritizing is not my strong suit so I end up getting a lot done with more important things still left.
Rancher, I was just about to post my own chicks on Craigslist so I can't take you up on your offer.
I've had some coffee so I should hop to it.
First I wanted to mention that the respiratory issues for my chickens happened shortly after I used DE in the coop. I still don't know what caused it but I won't be using DE in there anymore. I'm going to add some wood ash for a bathing spot.
The new Country Max on Erie Blvd DeWitt has a grand opening event I think next weekend. They are advertising 20% off almost everything. Might be worth checking out for people close to Syracuse.
Have any of you slaughtered a rooster for meat? Are they good? I cooked a particularly noisy rooster last week, and he looked good, but while my back was turned, my dog STOLE him off the counter! Doggy reported he was yummy, but I can't confirm because I didn't even get one bite.
Have any of you slaughtered a rooster for meat? Are they good? I cooked a particularly noisy rooster last week, and he looked good, but while my back was turned, my dog STOLE him off the counter! Doggy reported he was yummy, but I can't confirm because I didn't even get one bite.

They taste like chicken :D
Well, happy free range chicken. Not as much meat on their bones, but delicious.

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