NY chicken lover!!!!

I've had the very same experience w CR. At least u know what to expect.
I had a guy respond to an ad I placed for "roosters" and he asked me if I had any "chickens, too"
OMG I get that too. I sold roosters to one guy (clearly stated!!) and he wrote me later to say he thought he had bought 'chickens'. ROFL.
new York mini chickenstock 2016. Its in harpursville this year. Would love to have you.

I would love to visit with everyone again. I actually know people in Harpursville!

I still have the black orp hen that I got from you almost 4 years ago now!  She was part of a BBS quad.   

We have 3 of our original 6 hens. They will be 9 years old this spring. Betty the Brahma, Goldie the buff Orpington and Red the Rhode Island Red. We also have a EE hen that will be 8. She avoided the culling one year by hiding somewhere. Her name is Jailbreak. :lol: She will get to stay too.

We are looking for a good egg laying breed, standard size, hatching eggs or chicks. Hardy in winter. Any ideas? Kids have "show" birds now that do not lay worth a darn. I need eggs!

Keep warm folks and enjoy your Sunday.
Bob loves his new friends. They are not sure what to think of his huge size . He is double the size of my Reds and 3 times the size of my whites. The older boys tried mounting him, that failed miserable he tried to decapitate them. Now they all get along. Oh and my Astrolorp girls think he's a new toy. They let him in the nest and everything.
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My lav orp roo I gave to a friend at work said he's giant! But that he's great to the hens and finds lots of bugs for them. I may try to see if she would sell me some eggs. Not sure what all types of hens she has.
Oh Bob is sweet as pie but skittish of the flock right now. He eats with them and stands right next to Golden Boy the Spitzhauben, he's alpha male. GB has been very inviting thankfully, kicked bedding once at Bob but that's it.

I do have to laugh at his big butt running away from a tiny WL as she can't be but 1/4 his size.

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