NY chicken lover!!!!

Rancher- How did the raspberries do that I sent you last year? Just curious.

My pekins are happy being back out on the pond now. They have been laying all over the yard. My girls have fun egg hunting. Right now I have a little over a dozen if anyone is interested in hatching their own pekins.

Hopefully today I can get some seeds started in the house. I am way behind. Life is still as busy as ever.
Now I can use the bags under the fence idea but the chickens would scratch it to smithereens. I think I may use boards. The rose of sharons are growing up and they'll be a pain to dig out.

As far as the Will is, there will always be someone unhappy I suppose. I confess to getting miffed at stepmoms who for some reason think the first group of kids don't count. Had a friend complain because her husband had to pay for his first daughters college. Where do folks think because they get divorced their first brood don't exist? We weren't even mentioned in my Dads' obit when he died, but his stepkids were.

I don't have to worry there are none but still have to decided who gets what. I've been telling the kids to make some decisions about our house things NOW.

Tab, the raspberries are doing good. I've dug around them and added peatmoss and compost to make it easy for them to spread. With no chickens in the back area they should be okay.

Gotta run,
Well my daughter twisted my arm until I gave in. She was so upset by the fact we might have to toss an egg that she insisted we candle again. So we did. Not 1 clear egg. We had a late starter but now they are all there with a blob in the top.
I am the step child and now the step mother as well. My step dad was a ******* of epic proportions, however he always made sure to "share" everything evenly with my half brother and and 2 step sisters. I never got a second thought, however I only lived with him and my mom 1 year. My grandmother raised me.
As the stepmother I have all 5 kids, my daughter, his sons, and our 2. But never are any of them, unless it's a discussion such as this, referee to as mine or his. All 5 are ours and treated as such. My oldest son is very adamant about friends and teachers not calling me his stepmother, as I'm the v only mom he has known for 12 years now.

My point, mostly that not everything that looks obvious is. The way a step parent treats a child is some times the best for the situation. Also some times people are just ******* because that's what they were taught growing up. Heck I aquired a 6th child not to long ago. She is my daughter's best friend and even though she isn't mine at all she is treated as she is when she is here.
Gem, if you planted hard neck garlic, they shoot up a flower stalk that circles around. After it makes the circle, you can cut it off and us it as a tasty bit in sauce or other dishes. Then when the foliage wilts down, you can dig your garlic.

Loved Weird Al!

Rancher, I have a demented bluebird, who is messing up all my windows. His wife tries to focus him on choosing a suitable house, so he has less time than he did before to smash against our windows. I hope he won't give in to his obsession in the midst of raising the babies, leaving her in the lerch. But he is still finding about an hour a day to savage our windows. I think she should have been a little more careful in her choice of a mate...
Well I just bought 6 chicks at Tractor Supply on my way to work. I was rescuing the three bantams they had left. They were all freezing to death. They keep the lamps raised way above the floor of the brooder and without the other bantams to cuddle with they were dying. One I'm not sure will make it, it's in very rough shape. Then I filled out my purchase with three 'red' pullets. They're not sex links. Maybe RIRs, who knows, guess I'll find out.

So they're all in my car now. Luckily I keep a device in my car that lets me plug things in like heat lamps, and I had a box and bedding already. Bought a heat lamp, stole a bulb out of my lamp at work and got them all set up. Luckily it's a short shift so I can get them home to the real brooder soon.

If I hadn't bought them at least two of the three bantams I'm sure would have died by the end of the night.

Edit: Already lost the really rough looking one. The other two however look much better.
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Rancher, I have a demented bluebird, who is messing up all my windows. His wife tries to focus him on choosing a suitable house, so he has less time than he did before to smash against our windows. I hope he won't give in to his obsession in the midst of raising the babies, leaving her in the lerch. But he is still finding about an hour a day to savage our windows. I think she should have been a little more careful in her choice of a mate...

We have birds trying to build in our chimney pipe. When we had the block chimney, had a screened cap. This pipe has a cap, birds insist on getting in. One managed to get all the way into the wood stove and then flew about the house when the door was opened.
Now I can use the bags under the fence idea but the chickens would scratch it to smithereens. I think I may use boards. The rose of sharons are growing up and they'll be a pain to dig out.
Yes mine would tooo if they werent covered...thats why I put logs on them like this on the outside of the garden

In this spot they have already got the leaves back on the paper in the garden

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