NY chicken lover!!!!

Do you have all hatchery chickens ? they are bred to not go broody ...
Rarely they still do ..
You could try giving them feed with soy..that might influence them to go broody ..
As it is hormonal .....they go broody when they get the hormones ..Soy Mimics hormones in a body .
or Get some chickens ..from a breeder
or Sumatras , Silkies or ?

I have all breeder and backyard birds, no hatchery birds. I have a young Ameraucana who puffs up and yells at me when she's on the nest. She will sit for several hours, but always leaves. I have put eggs in with her and she tucks them right under her.
Hey guys, I've a question for you. One of my EE pullets seems to be developing strange wings. I'm including pictures, but it might be hard to tell as she has a lot of white-on-white feathers. What I've noticed is that there are gaps in her wing feathering. The lowest feathers also don't fold nicely against her, but rather stick out a bit. Is this a mutation/defect? I don't suspect pecking due to the gaps being identical on both sides. She seems to fly up to the roost just fine, but she sure looks funny. I don't plan on breeding her due to this, but she is a sweet bird.
Either she's molting into her new feathers or it could be split wing where they are missing one of their primaries. But, for that, you can't tell until they're mature as wing feathers are like the last to finish coming in.
Do you have all hatchery chickens ? they are bred to not go broody ... Rarely they still do .. You could try giving them feed with soy..that might influence them to go broody .. As it is hormonal .....they go broody when they get the hormones ..Soy Mimics hormones in a body . or Get some chickens ..from a breeder or Sumatras , Silkies or ?
I have all breeder and backyard birds, no hatchery birds. I have a young Ameraucana who puffs up and yells at me when she's on the nest. She will sit for several hours, but always leaves. I have put eggs in with her and she tucks them right under her.
I have lots of broody hens, but many were raised by broodies themselves, so that may have contributed. They do have soy in their feed, but in 2014 when I made my own soy-free feed, there was still broody hens. I notice they go broody more easily if I leave at least 10 -12 eggs in one or more nesting boxes. Some that are more prone (bantam Cochin mixes) don't need that many - they just go broody when they feel like it!
Either she's molting into her new feathers or it could be split wing where they are missing one of their primaries. But, for that, you can't tell until they're mature as wing feathers are like the last to finish coming in.
I have lots of broody hens, but many were raised by broodies themselves, so that may have contributed. They do have soy in their feed, but in 2014 when I made my own soy-free feed, there was still broody hens.
I notice they go broody more easily if I leave at least 10 -12 eggs in one or more nesting boxes. Some that are more prone (bantam Cochin mixes) don't need that many - they just go broody when they feel like it!
I've left eggs, but never that many. I have enough that I can try leaving more than a few. Some of these hens were raised by broodies for the first week or so. I'm hoping Gravy goes broody as she had a great mama broody. Phoreda Gramma and rancher, thanks too for the input.
Well I was finally able to hunt down some of that Game Bird Chow. I called TS to special order some and they told me they had four bags in stock. I went there, no sign of it. I asked an employee who sent me to another employee who took me in the back to see if it was there. We couldn't find it so he asked the manager and all three of us went in back and finally found it in the very back shoved behind some bags of calf food and completely unable to be seen unless you went digging back there. I'm still not sure how they intended to sell it like that, but at least I got 100 pounds of it which should hopefully last until my chicks are ready to switch to a different feed.

On the pig front, I will be speaking to the neighbors about it tomorrow if I can catch them outside. I'm almost hoping the pig comes over so I can escort it home and make a point about it to them.
Would anyone be interested in a few Mille fleur d'uccle chicks? I had a good hatch with shipped eggs and only plan on keeping a few. They're super cute and tiny! PM me if interested.

Be careful in this heat and humidity!
*WARNING: Rant ahead.*

I hate being stood up. If you can't make it, have the decency to let me know. Wasted an entire morning because someone said they'd be here. Stressed out the flock and myself. Argh! I don't wish ill will on anyone ever, but I would understand no call no show if there were a dire emergency. I'm expecting an excuse regarding a phone. Argh!
@Beer can MOJO was my crippled rooster because he had feet that looked like they had arthritis. Otherwise he was healthy and hardy. Sweet as sugar.

@tao chick Girlie is sitting on eggs for me. She took over my last incubated chicks since I figured try her on eggs. She is at day 3 and being good as gold. And since she is the only egg layer in her group I have no worries about extra eggs showing up. She is a persistent girl. She still insists that her 2 babies come to bed with her at night as well or she gets loud. What breed is she?
*WARNING: Rant ahead.*

I hate being stood up. If you can't make it, have the decency to let me know. Wasted an entire morning because someone said they'd be here. Stressed out the flock and myself. Argh! I don't wish ill will on anyone ever, but I would understand no call no show if there were a dire emergency. I'm expecting an excuse regarding a phone. Argh!
wow, I am sorry about that!
it's happened to me too.
Yeah - me too - I am in tune with my birds and farm - so if someone makes an appointment (here or in town) I usually keep my flock cooped up to make sure they are safe from predators - so it really steams me when someone is late or a no show.

Besides - just common decency.

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