NY chicken lover!!!!

Can anyone tell me if this is a roo? They were supposed to all be pullets when I got them back in march, but some one saod it kinda looks like a roo and this is my first time raising chickens.

It's hard to tell from this pic, even enlarged. I can't see the hackle feathers or the legs. These are EE's right? Even commercial sexers aren't 100% right.
Well I got that Dirty Rat ! Boy was he ? big .. This is the surprise I found at 3 am Hope it is just one..take that for killing my baby chicks... This is a rat trap it is in ..Ive set another trap in the coop tonight ..in case there is more weird eggs .. I think this is the same hen... 2 itty bittys..then this balloon one
Holy S..t ! It looks huge My gram told me you never have just one rat. They are smart too
It was Smart and Huge ! it took me a while to catch it ... It ate well ...
I thought the same thing ...is there more ? so I have still put out the trap ...
No sign of any activity ...My Roo didnt want to go in at night...sometimes ..
He seems to be okay now ..I am removing the food at night so there isnt temptation to visit .
caught a chipmunk so far
Those of you who have indoor pet birds like parrots and such, what would you say is a good starter bird? I don't want anything too big, one that would be a good companion too.
Those of you who have indoor pet birds like parrots and such, what would you say is a good starter bird? I don't want anything too big, one that would be a good companion too.

Depends on how much time you have for the bird. If you have a lot, a Cockatiel is a great starter bird. Any kind of bird like that will need attention. It will get squaky if it doesn't get it. If you don't want a talking or whistling bird and don't have a lot of time go for a parakeet or canary.
Mostly look for a quality bird store. Just birds. They are usually committed to finding the right balance.
Occasionally you can find some on Craigslist....but with older birds you never know how they've been handled.
I hope this all helps.
Those of you who have indoor pet birds like parrots and such, what would you say is a good starter bird? I don't want anything too big, one that would be a good companion too.

I don't understand the difference between parrots and such and chickens. Frenchy would make a great into bird. Plus she'd lay egg. The bantam cochins are a nice breed.

You' just keep them clean like you would any other pet. You could convert a used crib to an indoor cage/coop.

I would take the board off the top if this one and bend the wire over the top so it's taller. Seems to me chicken aren't as stinky as a cat litter box.


These types of things on a platform could be higher and easy to clean. I have mine on top of an old sewing table. The end comes off and I just use a whisk broom and dust pan to scoop all the shavings out. I use mine for broody hens. My Del and her two chicks have plenty of room. A small bantam Frizzle has even more. Much more than the cages I see for Parrots and other pet birds. Did I mention that Frenchy might be broody again and that I think she is laying too? She's over 8 years old. If I did move into an apartment, I'd have no trouble keeping a bantam or two. I just wouldn't tell the landlord. Frenchy doesn't make any noise.

Those of you who have indoor pet birds like parrots and such, what would you say is a good starter bird? I don't want anything too big, one that would be a good companion too.

I've got lots of parrot experience - I've owned them since I was seven :) Cockatiels are great starter birds for people who want a nice pet that will like to spend time with them and that can learn to talk and whistle. They do need a lot of attention though so if you can't spend a lot of time with a single one getting two is better.

Conures are also a good option, although you'd probably want to stick to the smaller ones like green cheeks and sun conures, etc, but they are also very loud, so that's something to consider.

If you just want a bird that will sing and will be happy to stay in its cage and won't necessarily interact with you as much but still is fine with being handled and taken out of the cage, a pair of parakeets might be better for you (males sing and females don't, so if you want singing getting a pair of males).

Make sure you do lots of research before you commit - there's a lot to consider, such as what size cage to get, proper bar spacing on the cage, and even diet - did you know that a seed diet like those commonly sold in pet stores will give birds fatty liver disease? A pelleted diet is much better with seeds as a treat.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a pm - I love parrots and will be specializing in them when I get my veterinary degree.
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Make sure you do lots of research before you commit - there's a lot to consider, such as what size cage to get, proper bar spacing on the cage, and even diet - did you know that a seed diet like those commonly sold in pet stores will give birds fatty liver disease? A pelleted diet is much better with seeds as a treat.
Did you watch this Dr K episode too ?

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