NY chicken lover!!!!

Depends on how much time you have for the bird. If you have a lot, a Cockatiel is a great starter bird. Any kind of bird like that will need attention. It will get squaky if it doesn't get it. If you don't want a talking or whistling bird and don't have a lot of time go for a parakeet or canary.
Mostly look for a quality bird store. Just birds. They are usually committed to finding the right balance.
Occasionally you can find some on Craigslist....but with older birds you never know how they've been handled.
I hope this all helps.

I've got lots of parrot experience - I've owned them since I was seven :) Cockatiels are great starter birds for people who want a nice pet that will like to spend time with them and that can learn to talk and whistle. They do need a lot of attention though so if you can't spend a lot of time with a single one getting two is better.

Conures are also a good option, although you'd probably want to stick to the smaller ones like green cheeks and sun conures, etc, but they are also very loud, so that's something to consider.

If you just want a bird that will sing and will be happy to stay in its cage and won't necessarily interact with you as much but still is fine with being handled and taken out of the cage, a pair of parakeets might be better for you (males sing and females don't, so if you want singing getting a pair of males).

Make sure you do lots of research before you commit - there's a lot to consider, such as what size cage to get, proper bar spacing on the cage, and even diet - did you know that a seed diet like those commonly sold in pet stores will give birds fatty liver disease? A pelleted diet is much better with seeds as a treat.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a pm - I love parrots and will be specializing in them when I get my veterinary degree.

Thanks for your suggestions! My sister works as a zookeeper at Audubon zoo in New Orleans and is getting a sun conure. She cares for macaws and huge birds like emus at work so I know she would be fine with a bigger bird.

I think parakeets may be too small. I'll keep doing my research. I do want one that will like to be around me. I work 3 twelve hour shifts a week so I have some extra time on days off

@rancher hicks I know Seramas are sometimes kept inside! A baby crib looks like it works well.
Thanks for your suggestions! My sister works as a zookeeper at Audubon zoo in New Orleans and is getting a sun conure. She cares for macaws and huge birds like emus at work so I know she would be fine with a bigger bird.

I think parakeets may be too small. I'll keep doing my research. I do want one that will like to be around me. I work 3 twelve hour shifts a week so I have some extra time on days off

@rancher hicks I know Seramas are sometimes kept inside! A baby crib looks like it works well.

Well, good luck and keep us posted. Be aware of conjures and they are know to have a loud screech! Birds can be so terrific!
Thanks for your suggestions! My sister works as a zookeeper at Audubon zoo in New Orleans and is getting a sun conure. She cares for macaws and huge birds like emus at work so I know she would be fine with a bigger bird.

I think parakeets may be too small. I'll keep doing my research. I do want one that will like to be around me. I work 3 twelve hour shifts a week so I have some extra time on days off

@rancher hicks I know Seramas are sometimes kept inside! A baby crib looks like it works well.

Good luck in your search! I'm just now thinking about getting another parrot after losing my sun conure a few years ago. Here's Larrikin:


I lost him unexpectedly - we still aren't sure what happened. So it's been a few years and I'm ready to get another parrot. I've got a few species I'm considered but I'm not married to any of them - if I meet a bird and we have an instant bond that's the one for me :)
Good luck in your search! I'm just now thinking about getting another parrot after losing my sun conure a few years ago. Here's Larrikin:


I lost him unexpectedly - we still aren't sure what happened. So it's been a few years and I'm ready to get another parrot. I've got a few species I'm considered but I'm not married to any of them - if I meet a bird and we have an instant bond that's the one for me :)

What a pretty bird! Where would you suggest I look for birds? Are breeders the way to go or a store that specializes in parrots?
What a pretty bird! Where would you suggest I look for birds? Are breeders the way to go or a store that specializes in parrots?

Personally I'd look for a breeder. I actually bought Lark from a store that specialized in birds and they did not treat him well, lied to me about his gender (I asked if they knew, they took him in back, did who knows what to him, came back and told me he was female - then he started exhibiting male behavior so I was suspicious and had him DNA tested and yep, he was male) and he wasn't local - the poor thing had been shipped in from NC according to his leg band. They chased him around with a towel until he flipped over onto his back, which is a last ditch defense mechanism in parrots, and they told me they did that all the time because it was 'cute'. They told me he knew the "Step Up" command - he didn't. Not surprisingly, he had quite a few behavioral issues we had to work through together. He was less than six months old and had already been through all that. This was an all bird store in Rensselaer NY, by the way - I drove hours to pick him up. I'm not saying all stores are this way, but definitely bail on a sale if you see any warning signs like this - as a new bird owner you don't want to be working through behavioral issues brought on by abuse with a parrot.

Meanwhile my cockatiel was from a breeder who hand raised and hand fed the babies and took excellent care of them. A good breeder is usually a good way to go if you can find one. You'll usually pay less than you would at a pet store too.

Some small local pet stores get in birds from breeders like this to sell on consignment - I have a local store that does this. I'd avoid chain stores like Petco and Petsmart though.
I'm going to have a busy fall. I have a broody on 6 eggs, 40 in the bator and all due on August 13. Plus hubby just ordered the hatchery surprise from Cackle. Oh and 25 cornish X as well. CornishX to ship on August 17 no word on the surprise yet. Woohoo busy harvest season coming up as well. Lots of squash and pumpkin plants looking great at the big farm.
Hey guys- fun to switch it up with some parrot talk. My dad is a bird guy. Maybe that's where I get the chicken thing from. But growing up he always had ostriches, emus, peacocks and guineas. anywaysss I don't know a lot about parrots. but has anyone suggested a QUAKER PARROT they are smaller but still smarter and cute bird that you can do stuff with
I'm a bad chicken lady.....haven't been online much (switching shifts again, ugh) but I am pleased to report that my girls are now laying (collectively) a minimum of 5 eggs a day! And I used to have a sun conure.......was not the right bird for me. Screamed non-stop, not sure why. I re-homed it in exchange for a pair of cockatiels that the lady couldn't get to talk at all. Wasn't 3 months later and they mimicked the dog's barks so well it was flipping out my poor pups! And here's something funny I found....

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I'll look into a Quaker parrot. Cockatiels seem like good pets as I keep researching. There is a local pet store that gets birds from breeders so I may visit there and see what they have. I agree that I think the bird will pick me too

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