NY chicken lover!!!!

I think a pair is a good idea. I think you could add silver or cream spangled birds (spitzhauben, hamburg, polish, and brabanter) for eye candy. Although, when it comes to calm and good natured I've found the bigger birds (brahma) or my easter egger/ameraucanas to be the best. I don't have anything to offer as I just sold half my flock to accommodate my group of upcoming chicks. I'm also 4 hours away from you. Good luck!

Thanks for your advice on breeds - and help with my chicken math on a smaller scale than most!
Glad to read in a later post that the portion of your flock who went to a new home are settling in well
We sold half of our flock. I currently have 10 hens, but one is still struggling. Gravy must have had an egg tract issue as she is walking quite gingerly and slowly but still eating and drinking normally. It's almost like she's a slow motion chicken. She has mostly separated herself from the rest of the flock. After I closed the coop last night she was still outside foraging for bugs in the yard. If she continues this way then I will sadly choose to euthanize her later this week.

22 chicks growing happily. I am committed to keeping 4-10 of them. They'll be 4 weeks old at Chicken Stock.

85 eggs in the fridgerbator. Staggered hatch begins 5/15. I'm hoping to get >10 keepers from these hatches to rebuild after a bad hatch last month. Extras will be 1-5 days old at Chicken Stock.

I'm very close to having a specific direction for my breeding and flock goals. Hopefully I'll stick to it once I decide. It's taken me 2 years to get to this point. I had narrowed things down but it's been an expensive process. This last change allowed me to narrow down to two options and my next hatch will determine which of the two plans will be implemented.

I have to say I was quite nervous about selling half my flock. It was via craigslist and text and I wasn't sure how to read the buyers. This morning I received a follow up text that relieved my heart. They sent a thank you message and told me they were all well. Sometimes it's the little things that reassure me about the goodness of people..
If she is eating try dumping some insoluble grit on top of her food. Lots of it so she has to eat some. I think insoluble grit helps keep their system clear. Buckwheat is still with me AND brooding eggs. It's a long story I won't repeat but the short is, she was swollen and I quarantined her and dumped some insoluble grit on top of her food and put Sulmet and Duramycin in her water for a bit and she's still her. Swelling went down, came back and went down again, but she's seems okay for an 7 - 8 year old. Besides what have you got to lose?
I'm with Tao chick, a pair would be better. I have a pair of silver Spitzhauben that I could sell you. They are 1 year old now and laying well. The reason I'm willing to part with them is that I find them a bit 'high strung'. They are quite raucous at times and do not like to be picked up, although they will come and check out treats
. I prefer quieter birds.......let me know.

Thanks so much for swift response, and the offer of a pair of silver Spitz, looked them up in my Storey illustrated Poultry Breeds Book - such pretty birds, and would certainly meet the 'more light color birds' part of my request - although a bit wary of the high strung raucous description (thanks for your honesty) have found our Leghorn high strung, panicking and dashing about when we just move around in her general direction, to top up food or similar (so much so that we jokingly call 'murder, murder' when she goes into one of her flappy freak outs as you'd think that was what was happening from the level of commotion). I think I may like to find some birds that are a little calmer if possible.

I'm leaning more towards trying to get a pair consisting of 2 different breeds, and still hoping I can combine this with also getting a range of egg colors, and seems that the Spitz usually lay white eggs? I've read quite a few comments online about them choosing to roost in trees, have you found this to be true? Ours currently always put themselves back into the coop at dusk.

I really appreciate you answering me so quickly and offering birds, just not sure they're quite what I'm looking for, and it's only day 1 of my search! If a few weeks down the line I haven't managed to find anything, and you still have them available for sale I will certainly keep in touch.
I got one from Boskelli ..she is okay ..I wouldnt say she is more flighty than the others
.the more time you spend with a chicken they usually tame up .
They are capable flyers ..if your chickens go in they should go in..
as long as you dont let them out the first day you have them ..
EEs are good if you want different colors and colored eggs
I got one from Boskelli ..she is okay ..I wouldnt say she is more flighty than the others
.the more time you spend with a chicken they usually tame up .
They are capable flyers ..if your chickens go in they should go in..
as long as you dont let them out the first day you have them ..
EEs are good if you want different colors and colored eggs

Thanks for the info Gramma - I appreciate you often post helpful replies to enquiries, and always read carefully when you put in info from your chicken medicine file too, like the recent use of kitten flea shampoo as part of a treatment for mites. I think Easter Eggers sound fun, have been reading up on them a bit.

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