Oakville High (High School RP) _See Staff Note in the "Rules"

(I am so sorry! My dad changed my internet amount to two gigabits when I usually have four and he didn't tell me so I ran out quickly.)
Name: Ross Roberts
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Outgoing, funny, smart, understanding
Crush/BF or GF: None yet

Clique: Popular
History: Lived somewhere else for most of his life, but had to move here. Whenever the subject comes up, he gets quiet and solemn.
Other: Taco
Username: awesome308

Name: Faith O'Dell


Gender: female

Crush/bf: anyone wanna make? Preferably band geek.

Personality : quiet and shy when not in the band room. That's her life. When in bandroom or around friends she is daring, adventures, talkative, rebellious. She loves band and her life revolves around it. She has two extremely close friends both of which are boys

Clique: bandgeek

History. Always been the good teachers pet. Over protective mother. She extended her friendship two two boys and the changed her and basically made her the normal teenager. Her mother doesn't trust them. Both play in band with her. She loves band and has practically lives there. She plays bari sax in the marching band.

Description. Hair cut short to her head. Severe band tan. Brown eyes. Usually wearing sweat pants and t shirt. Band u uniform.

Other: taco

User: polish

(All Accepted.)
(And to Love That Chick I usually like it to be atleast over one sentence but I dont mind if its just one cause I know some people aren't as creative as others.)

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