Oakville High (High School RP) _See Staff Note in the "Rules"

"Sure," Wintent said nodding. Her friend was waiting inside.
((wait, Wintent's or Ailyss's?))

((Uh oh, non-sarcasticness (Hey! New word!) and Archer isn't gonna end well :p))
((nah, she misses sarcasm only sometimes. As for Archer...

Want to rp?))
((I love that dancing thing, found it searching something completely off topic through google the other day XD And sure :3))

Yay! I'll start.))
Sandy walked down the sidewalk casually, exited for the school day.

(Wintent's I don't know about Ailyss.)
Ailyss walked inside with Wintent and saw her friend. "Um, hi."
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Yay! I'll start.))
Sandy walked down the sidewalk casually, exited for the school day.
Ailyss walked inside with Wintent and saw her friend. "Um, hi."

Archer ran a hand through his perfectly imperfect hair as he drew nearer to school. He picked up the pace a bit, still searching the small crowd of people still gather by the entrance for anyone he recognized

Archer ran a hand through his perfectly imperfect hair as he drew nearer to school. He picked up the pace a bit, still searching the small crowd of people still gather by the entrance for anyone he recognized
Sandy walked around the group, heading for the entrance to the school.
"Sup," Wintent responded.
(:)? Ailyss was talking to Wintent's friend.))

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