Obama is close to being Impeached

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You ladies are on the internet you know...
My father said you need to fire a good one (president) once in a while to keep the others in line.

Sure it is.... you didnt know that?? Keep up...
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Looking from the outside in, I feel sorry for President Obama. He has had his term of office through very difficult times, much of which he, like many others around the world, has had no control over. Apart from some awful natural disasters, and plenty of war and strife, the global economic meltdown must have severely restricted everything that he hoped to achieve. At times like these the job must seem like a poisened chalice.
Compared to other economies around the globe, we're actually having a growth spurt.

When the economy was in a tailspin at the end of 2008 I used to joke that President Obama was the first election winner to demand a recount.
Impeachment does not mean removing the sitting President from office. It's a formal accusation of criminal activity against a government official.
After impeachment is approved a trial can commence, and if he's not found guilty of anything that warrants removal from office he will serve out the rest of his term.
We've had two Presidents impeached in the past and neither one was booted from office.

Actually, only one was impeached. Nixon resigned from office before the impeachment could commence. He chose to resign rather than "put the nation through such a thing" or something like that, according to him.
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I don't believe congress voted on either of the last two wars. Obama had nothing to do with sending troops over.

Those were both Bush. If I was a military leader, I would not ask Congress to tell me whether or not they like what I am doing to save the country.

No matter how much they whine and cry. Especially not if they whine and cry.
I love the last :35 seconds of the video, when Penetta essentially tells the senator to politely... shove it.

No changes. The General should have reminded the senator to know his place. If he wants control over the nation's military, he needs to either join the military or be the POTUS. Anybody other than that? "Senator, know your place. You do not, nor will you ever decide, which battles we fight or how. The US military will decide how to defend the nation and the POTUS will decide when it needs protecting. Viet Nam ended with lawyers deciding how to fight and everyone but the lawyers learned from that lesson. You have a nice day. And if you'd like... try to get me fired."

Contempt of Congress? I don't know anyone who has anything BUT contempt for Congress. Bunch of people who haven't pulled their heads out, to take a look around, in so long, I think they are stuck.
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