Obama is close to being Impeached

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I'm a Republican too. And I would just have to ask... do you really want Joe Biden to be President? I mean, come on. Really?

I don't want ANY of the current potential candidates to be president. None of them. But between Biden and what the Republicans have so far come up with, I'll take Biden. We have what, two million, three million people in this country, and this is the best we can do? Doesn't say much for us, does it?
Pssst... Capvin... Imps are boys. All of 'em.
Need Proof!

I want to let you know that it was Imp's fault that the last thread was locked, scorched and burned. I had asked her to please check in once in a while and interject her one liners that basically let us know that we are acting idiotically. She obviously went to sleep and "that's all folks"

She does not type fast enough to post one liners in every idiotic post.

I was sorry to see that thread get locked.

I rarely post on the political threads, at least not very seriously. BUT in an effort to stay on topic- I will say that this sounds like haymaking during a election year.
After all, if statements made during speeches could get you impeached, wouldn't most politicians be swinging from lampposts.

Imp- and I'm not gov't hating kind of girl.
Imp should thank me...I set it up and she hit it out of the park

And it is a true sign of intelligence to NOT post on the political threads. A sign the regrettably I do not possess, however, I believe that it is an addiction for me but one that could be cured through an intervention that involved home made chocolate cake.
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Umm, Capvin, Imp is a guy - pretty sure about that.

Your condition is known as the 'Don Quixote Complex'. Hang around redhen long enough and she will cure you. "Just sayin'".
I love the last :35 seconds of the video, when Penetta essentially tells the senator to politely... shove it.

No changes. The General should have reminded the senator to know his place. If he wants control over the nation's military, he needs to either join the military or be the POTUS. Anybody other than that? "Senator, know your place. You do not, nor will you ever decide, which battles we fight or how. The US military will decide how to defend the nation and the POTUS will decide when it needs protecting. Viet Nam ended with lawyers deciding how to fight and everyone but the lawyers learned from that lesson. You have a nice day. And if you'd like... try to get me fired."

Contempt of Congress? I don't know anyone who has anything BUT contempt for Congress. Bunch of people who haven't pulled their heads out, to take a look around, in so long, I think they are stuck.

I see you believe in war mongrels, dictators, and tyrants.
Would these be the fabled "dogs of war?"

I knew it!!! Bunny lady is a comic. Of all things, we now have "war mongrels." As for Imp, I do not care...no male should be called Imp. As for my addiction and my ability to get threads shut down, I have it all figured out. When there is a thread that is about religion, politics or anything else serious, the thing to do is not get upset. Just invoke Redhen, Imp, Bunnylady and some others and WALLA...the thread is hijacked and you are no longer talking about idiotic things that are serious but you are now talking about idiotic things that are ridiculous. Just look above and see how easily bunnylady did that.
Actually, only one was impeached. Nixon resigned from office before the impeachment could commence. He chose to resign rather than "put the nation through such a thing" or something like that, according to him.

Two have been impeached. Clinton was the most recent, but our 17th president Andrew Johnson was also impeached.
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