Obama is close to being Impeached

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This is treason. Wake up America. Our Sons And Daughters are being used at Cannon Fodder for other countries.
Does the source really matter? Surely you realize ALL media is after ratings and advertising sales. Was there anything inaccurate in the stories? Using an old lawyer tactic of discrediting a source rather than the content is lame.

Maybe I should quote from the Newyorker then you would beleive it. Maybe you should start your "discovery" by reading other sources.

In your hurry to respond you spelled Libya wrong. Try not salivating and typing at the same time.

OH MY!!! a news article that is almost one year old about Lybia. Obviously no longer even slightly relevant. AND an article from "Dot Magazine" who famously said that the report that Bin Laden was killed was really false and a conspiracy. Dot Magazine is not for real...it is entertainment similar toi reading George Orwell.

Please, where are Redhen, Imp and Bunnylady when they are really needed!!!???
I agree Obama has no respect for OUR military, apologizing to the enemy,cutting funding, putting them in police work without proper training and the list goes on.

This is treason. Wake up America. Our Sons And Daughters are being used at Cannon Fodder for other countries.
My My....Yes, of course the source and the timeliness matters. It is really all that matters. And please excuse my misspelling because of my lack of education.

You know, Redhen...you could be giving us an applicable quote from Dr. Seuss.
I will have you know that I am busy taking care of a sick chickened..........I mean sick chicken

That is just a joke!!!

When you have to qualify a statement, it's most likely a cheap shot.
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr Seuss

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” Dr. Seuss

You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.”
Dr. Seuss

My My....Yes, of course the source and the timeliness matters. It is really all that matters. And please excuse my misspelling because of my lack of education.

You know, Redhen...you could be giving us an applicable quote from Dr. Seuss.
How about a couple of quotes from two sources that seem to say some of the same things you have said..

David Duke website...."Why most negroes are criminals"

Lyndon LaRouche website..."Revisited-Is Barack Obama an American"

Two questions...1. Does the source really matter? 2. Do you really believe that there is even a remote chance of Obama being impeached?

And Royd, it was not a cheap shot. It was hard and fast, right down the middle.
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