Obama is close to being Impeached

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You really need to find someone else to write your jokes.

Well, I do support AA...over the years it was very helpful for me and now that I am doing better I don't need to attend the meetings weekly anymore, but it is nice to know that there are people I can call when I feel that I need help and support. Royd, tell me which meeting you attend and maybe we can meet up.
Another old lawyer tactic putting words in peoples mouths.

I think you are smart enough to see threw the hype and see that these guys are making money with what they communicate.

In my 10th grade history book it did say that blacks commit more crime per capita than other races.



If you approach a subject with the notion that all are capable of possible lying you may sort through this stuff a lot easier and draw logical conclusions not ones based on many preconceived biased ingrained prejudices. In other words don't overlook the fact that people lie.
I know I am probably wasting my energy because you will most likely refuse to follow this logic, but you do realize that it has been shown that higher arrest rates of african americans is attributable to racial profiling, etc? White collar crime is actually the most costly and rampant crime there is, but it's harder to catch them, usually it takes long costly FBI investigations, and most get away with it. Likewise, there are more drugs in wealthy communities, but they have the protection of money and status, and are not engaged in the lower (targeted) forms of drug trafficking, and therefore not targeted by street cops like minorities are. In police academies, cops are taught to profile. If I pull over mostly blacks, I will arrest mostly blacks. If I arrest mostly blacks, it looks like they are committing more crimes. Then you get those disproportionate rates. Those have been studied, and it's been shown to be largely the result of profiling. Whites, are underrepresented. Not because they commit less crime, but because they are less likely to be stopped and more likely to be let off with a warning. This is all true, whether it fits your preconcieved notions or not. Most honest cops will admit that they profile. I got lots of friends and some family in law enforcement, its a not so secret dirty secret.
RH, come now. If you are going to post here then you have to abide by the rules. Postings such as yours that use logic and not racism are not allowed. Please go to the sick chicken section if you want to post anything sensible.
RH, come now. If you are going to post here then you have to abide by the rules. Postings such as yours that use logic and not racism are not allowed. Please go to the sick chicken section if you want to post anything sensible.

Forgive me - I had no idea I was breaking the rules. How's this: "The sky is falling, the sky is falling because Obama is out to get america!!!!"
comment removed for being stupid. On second thought, That might have been better than removing it. :gig

But wait. The sky ISN'T falling?
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I don't disagree with you at all that is one facet that contributes to the picture. I could argue that blacks get caught for other reasons also. As for profiling by race it is done in a variety of areas of society and is not limited to crime stats. There are more cops in areas of high crime for a reason. I support profiling by the cops in more areas than race, if they are looking for a woman who robbed a bank they would not pull over a man would they? I think you are suggesting that cops just drive around pulling over minorities for no other reason than they are minorities and that is not the case there is what is called probable cause.

Only white people commit white collar crime?

The fact that cops profile is nothing more than a diversion tactic by the left. Facts ar if they did a crime they are guilty. Maybe the cops should profile just white people... would that even the score? Make crime rates less?

White people commit more white collar crime. I think all white people are guilty.

I know I am probably wasting my energy because you will most likely refuse to follow this logic, but you do realize that it has been shown that higher arrest rates of african americans is attributable to racial profiling, etc? White collar crime is actually the most costly and rampant crime there is, but it's harder to catch them, usually it takes long costly FBI investigations, and most get away with it. Likewise, there are more drugs in wealthy communities, but they have the protection of money and status, and are not engaged in the lower (targeted) forms of drug trafficking, and therefore not targeted by street cops like minorities are. In police academies, cops are taught to profile. If I pull over mostly blacks, I will arrest mostly blacks. If I arrest mostly blacks, it looks like they are committing more crimes. Then you get those disproportionate rates. Those have been studied, and it's been shown to be largely the result of profiling. Whites, are underrepresented. Not because they commit less crime, but because they are less likely to be stopped and more likely to be let off with a warning. This is all true, whether it fits your preconcieved notions or not. Most honest cops will admit that they profile. I got lots of friends and some family in law enforcement, its a not so secret dirty secret.
I don't disagree with you at all that is one facet that contributes to the picture.  I could argue that blacks get caught for other reasons also.   As for profiling by race it is done in a variety of areas of society and is not limited to crime stats.  There are more cops in areas of high crime for a reason.  I support profiling by the cops in more areas than race, if they are looking for a woman who robbed a bank they would not pull over a man would they?  I think you are suggesting that cops just drive around pulling over minorities for no other reason than they are minorities and that is not the case there is what is called probable cause.


Only white people commit white collar crime?

The fact that cops profile is nothing more than a diversion tactic by the left. Facts ar if they did a crime they are guilty.  Maybe the cops should profile just white people... would that even the score?  Make crime rates less?

White people commit more white collar crime.  I think all white people are guilty. 

Unless there's stats somewhere that prove all "white collar" crime is committed by white people, the assumption that it is, is racist, actually.
I don't disagree with you at all that is one facet that contributes to the picture. I could argue that blacks get caught for other reasons also. As for profiling by race it is done in a variety of areas of society and is not limited to crime stats. There are more cops in areas of high crime for a reason. I support profiling by the cops in more areas than race, if they are looking for a woman who robbed a bank they would not pull over a man would they? I think you are suggesting that cops just drive around pulling over minorities for no other reason than they are minorities and that is not the case there is what is called probable cause.

Only white people commit white collar crime?

The fact that cops profile is nothing more than a diversion tactic by the left. Facts ar if they did a crime they are guilty. Maybe the cops should profile just white people... would that even the score? Make crime rates less?

White people commit more white collar crime. I think all white people are guilty.

I knew you wouldn't get it. LOL I didn't give you opinions, its researched and proven, profiling accounts for the disproportionate number of blacks arrest and conviction rates. You could argue that "they get caught for other reasons", but it would just be the same old arguments already debunked by researchers in my field of study. Whites are overrepresented in white collar occupations, so the majority of white collar criminals (in this country) are white. Of course not all of them, but the majority. Therefore, when white collar crime is prosecuted (which is seldom), whites are more heavily represented. Since the pool is mostly white, you get more whites arrested for white collar crime. The fact that cops profile is just that, a fact - using logic to understand how that practice influences the racial makeup of those arrested is logic as well. It has nothing to do with politics, it is what it is, and it is real. It troubles me that you are so rigid that even if someone who has studied something provides you with information, that you refuse to even consider that it may have some merit. Being able to consider other opinions and change your mind when you receive new information is a good quality, and allows individuals to grow and learn... Consider being more open.
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Unless there's stats somewhere that prove all "white collar" crime is committed by white people, the assumption that it is, is racist, actually.

I agree that it would be - but actually, stats do support that. I had a fascinating class once taught by an ex-FBI agent who spent her career working on organized and white collar crime. The racial make-up of that group (majority white) is one of the things we learned about white collar crime. What I am saying is that whites are disproportionately represented in arrests for white collar crime In comparison to the makeup of the population as a whole. This is simply because they are overrepresented in the population of white collar occupations. If the sample is almost all white marbles and 30% of those marbles are criminal, and I grab 30% at random to represent that number, the majority will be white marbles, get what I am saying? The same goes for arrests and convictions. If an officer arrests almost all black marbles and 75% of those marbles are convicted, then the majority of the convicted marbles will be black. See, what counts is the population that you sample from. Now, if a cop admittedly focuses only on those he perceives as criminals (be they only blacks or only red or whatever), he is by his choices limiting the pool of the population that you can sample from to only those he chooses to focus on (arrest). See, if you only look at little old ladies as criminals, you are more likely to arrest little old ladies, so it would look like little old ladies in that case are criminals, but that would not be accurate.

I also added a link with racial crime states (about 3 pages down in a paragraph) that talk about white males being the most common perps of white collar crime. http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/nibrs/nibrs_wcc.pdf
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