Ocellated turkeys???????????????


12 Years
Feb 13, 2008
I received my Backyard poultry mag the other day with an article on Ocellated turkeys. Does anyone have them or know of a breeder for them. Would really like to find some eggs to hatch next spring.
There's a member here who raises rare and ornamental animals. Spectrum Ranch, I think it is, you might check with them.
Ocellated turkeys are from down toward mexico. As far as i know, they are mainly a wild breed. It will be very rare, and a very hefty price to get some eggs of these guys.
We considered having eggs shipped in (younger brother retired from the Navy and is living in Oaxaca), but it is easier to go down and shoot them than it is to get eggs out without bypassing the legal channels. We also don't think we could do this species justice without an indoor aviary. If we lived in the desert southwest we'd probably give it try.

A thread with some shots a member took: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=104146&p=1
good info. : http://www.nwtf.org/conservation/bulletins/bulletin_06.pdf#search%3Docellated%20turkey
site to add to your bookmarks of a fellow at Texas Tech whose Phd dissertation is on Meleagris Ocellata (page is under construction at present): http://www.rw.ttu.edu/mcroberts/
After reading the article it says that they don't breed in captivity very well, But they are very cool looking.
I just found a young pair. The guy wants $3000.00 for the pair. If you want the guy's info let me know. JOHN

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