Odd behavior


In the Brooder
Oct 2, 2023
I have 4 young geese. I got them when they were about 3 weeks old. They are now about 2 months old. Ive noticed for a couple of days now that one of them sleeps alone and wanders around alone whereas before they would freak out even if one of them wasnt around. Its my first time so im not really familiar with the behavior.
Every goose is different What breed are your geese, Is the one separating itself from the others doing it on its own or being picked on? Has it shown any signs of not growing as well or just not as healthy? @Goosebaby if its heath goosebaby can help if its 3 boys and one girl well only time will help.
Note. Geese do start establishing pecking order quite young. Usually the pecking order changes allot though there adolescents and some how comes to term by there 2nd breeding season. The boys are impressing the girls and the girls choose the pecking order.
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