Offer for free Fly predators (fly Eliminators) ends on April 30th

Thanks bunches and bunches for sharing!! I hope it works good.. The flys are already on my last nerve and spring has only just sprung!
Plus, I looked around their site.. I will be back!
Thanks for sharing the info!
. I've used fly predators before and noticed a significant difference in my horse pasture. Just placed my order and have already received the order confirmation.
Just wondering if you got it to work? Today (4-30) is the last day for this offer just so everyone knows!
Pass this on to your neighbors as well, the less flys in the neighbohood the less you have to deal with.
Happy fly free summer fellow BYC'rs
Your welcome everybody. I love to pass on good deals!! I am so glad so many of you are trying these. Especially if you have horses and other animals that are bothered by flys. I just cringe when I see a pasture full of horses with flys buzzing around.

Don't forget offer ends today 4-30. Spred the word to your neighbors and friends.
Thanks for the link, I've been trying to decide the best way to deal with flies, so this is great! My chicks haven't been outside long enough to attract flies but the dogs attract plenty on their own. I can't wait to try this out. I've also looked around the site and there's a few things there that I may have to try.
I think You'll be please. I want to look over their website as well, I'm sure I'll find something to try.

Hope everyone posts back and shares their experiences with their fly eliminators.

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