Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #8 - Write and Win!

By Full License, you mean BYC may print, reprint, or publish it at any time? But the author still retains ownership of the article?
I'm excited to write an article for the contest. I've already started an outline.

You encouraged including pictures (often VERY useful, I agree), but here's my question: What about video? I think it would be fun to illustrate elements of my article with either a short (<1 minute) video or even embed a few videos of just a few seconds each. And if videos wouldn't work, what about embedding short GIFs?
Article:  How I Cured Bumblefoot Without Surgery


To enter the contest you need to create your article as a member page here on BYC. Here is a tutorial on how to do this ~

I'm excited to write an article for the contest. I've already started an outline.  

You encouraged including pictures (often VERY useful, I agree), but here's my question:  What about video?  I think it would be fun to illustrate elements of my article with either a short (<1 minute) video or even embed a few videos of just a few seconds each. And if videos wouldn't work, what about embedding short GIFs?

A short video added to your article sounds good to me :thumbsup
Hmm...I'm not great with topics, but I can list some (they might be bad). Also some of these might already be in the Learning Center, so if you do one you might just want to check. :)

~Dealing with aggressive chickens
~A guide to chicken foot splints (when to use them, how to use them, how to make them, etc.)
~When and what to feed chickens (I see a lot people wondering when you feed chicks Layer Feed)
~Clipping chickens wings
~Focus on a breed and write about it (ex. I did Buff Orpingtons)
~What to do with chickens who get excessively pecked (quarantine, no-peck paste, etc.)

Just a few ideas, I may be able to think of a few others and I'll try to write another article too. :)

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